22 April 2006

A Brewhaha over Ben and Jerry's?

Ben and Jerry's is noted for its unusually named products but their new Stout flavoured ice cream, Black and Tan, has created a minor stir among Irish Americans. The name was inteded to celebarate a drink made from equal portions of Stout and Pale Ale, unfortunately the Black and Tans were also an auxillary force created in 1920 to counter IRA activities in Ireland. This force soon gained a reputation for violence and were guilty of several atrocities, including the first Bloody Sunday

Given that Ben and Jerry's have no plans to bring out a "No Surrender" flavour (Orange of course) it can be assumed that there was no ill intent behind the choice of name. Given also the marked absence of a storm of controversy in the Irish press one can assume that the whole story was seen for what it is..... just a storm in an ice cream tub.


Agnes said...

But Jams:"Nothing sucks like an Electrolux"

or a finger of fudge is just enough to give a girl a treat ...oh, you lucky males

jams o donnell said...

and the first paper to post the story got a scoop?

Agnes said...

Khe. Yes. Behave, Jams, this is a decent blog after all.

Siani said...

Oops! Bit of a faux pas there, eh? What next? A Welsh ice cream called Meibion Glyndwr?