
15 September 2006

The two faces of Ted

Good Ted

Bad Ted

This is an early post for the Friday Ark and of Course Carnival of the Cats - see side bar for links


  1. I'm in love......with a CAT!

    That Ted is gorgeous. Especially, the pissy faced version of him. I'm loving the kitty "mal de ojo" too.

  2. He really is a cat of two halves. When his is good, he is delightful but he can turn grumpy at a stroke. He sometimes challenges Robyn as Alpha cat but always fails.. vasically he is full of it!

  3. Like the girl with the curl.

    "When she was good, she was very good. But when she was bad, she was terrible."

    I came back here twice today to show my kids the now world famous TED. They tittered with laughter when I scrolled down and they saw his evil side. The first one has his little kitty eyebrows raised in such a hoeful expression like a little ingenue. Such stark contrast to the face that follows!

  4. Ummm, I didn't actually mean a "hoeful" expression. Although, that might be yet another side to his multi-faceted personality!

  5. Ted is my favorite of all your cats, by the way. He just photographs really well.

  6. lol ewbl. Ted's mood can change in seconds. THe two photos were taken within seconds of each other. So he is world famous? I am sure Ted would appreciae the consideration. If it was possible to measure intelligence, Ted would be the brightest of our cats. He's also the most mischevious.. Some of the things he does to wake us up.....

    Very libertaian ren, but I get this horible feeling that he might read Ayn Rand over Nestor Makhno!

    Oh yes Bryan and the cusotms officer who has taken a dislike to your face and plans to get the gloves on for a body cavity search!

  7. Both faces of the evil are evil. That this evil creature is charming, that is another issue. That is the new trend with devils: they aren't scary anymore, they are very tempting. (Ask a mouse). I don't believe in cat-innocence. Send him to Belarus.

    Redwine, the cat owner

  8. Evil! Evil I say! 

  9. Yes, evil: Ted Hyde and Dr Ted Hyde. No Ted Jekylls here, this is an evil creature.

  10. Ah poor Ted.. The world thinks Robyn is a thug and now poor Teddles is seen as evil incarnate. That said if he could talk his voice would sound like James Mason... Now that is evil!!

  11. What a contrast! Don't mess around with Bad Ted! Great pictures, jams.

  12. You don't indeed! He can get very grumpy. I have the scratch marks to prove it! Glad you like them steve

  13. Hah! Ted is a bad seed, a wayward child!

  14. Wow! You're right - your Ted and my Randy must have been twinss separated at birth!
