
17 October 2006

Department S Is Vic There?

This is a clip from the band's 1981 hit. My mate Mike is the one in the beret playing guitar.

Department S were not bad at all. They had a couple of chart singles in the UK (Is Vic There and Going Left, Right) and a third hit in Europe (U Want) but their debut album was never released until the band were long, long gone and the lead singer Vaughn Toulouse dead. Had it been issued released I am sure it would have been a success. C'est la vic I suppose

Mike has an excellent Myspace site dedicated to Department S. It is well worth checking out.


  1. Anonymous11:54 am

    Musically, the early 1980s are often dismissed as just being about New Romantics flouncing around in frilly shirts, but there were a lot of very creative and original bands around.

  2. You won't hear me disagree, given that the late 70s early 80s were the time of biggest musical interest for me
