
03 February 2007

Duets 1 - Nick Cave and PJ Harvey

Henry Lee


  1. AAAACCCCKKKK, this was not my cup of tea at all. Are they singing about Henry Lee Summer? Why does Nick Cave have a mullet? The two of them look like brother and sister which makes the passion teaser aspect of the video kind of creepy.

  2. I dunno, EWBL. If a song about jealousy and murder most foul could be made charming, this one was. Brother and sister? really? I thought their dance was softly erotic. Then again, I believe I have some ancestry from the most rural regions of Arkansas... fortunately, I don't have a sister. :)

  3. Just Henry Lee... it was one of Nick Cave's murder ballads - Where the Wild Roses Grow (with Kylie Minogue) was from the same album. I don't think either Nick or Kylie was ever going to have a career in fashion!

    I am not sure there was meant to be an incest element to this song... Hmm Steve I hope the words purrty and mouth never emanated from your mouth!!

  4. I heard "Madonna Of The Wasps" again this morning. I'm convinced that it must be his most popular tune for the alternative oldies station. They play some of his other tunes, but Madonna is in constant rotation. Good thing, since I really dig that song.

  5. THat is great to hear Ewbl! Add Airsacpe and you have his two greatest songs.. two of my desert Island discs for sure.. Hmm now that is an idea for a meme!
