
25 February 2007

A few protestors, a lot of decorum and a damned good trashing!

Unsurprisingly (the world did not end when God Save The Queen was played at Croke Park yesterday. England fans sang the anthem, Ireland fans maintained a respectful silence. The Republican Sinn Fein protest outside the stadium amounted about 150 idiots and throwbacks.

And then there was a Rugby match. The score? Ireland 43 – England 13!


  1. I'd like to enter the sport of rugby to be considered as a determinate for ending all conflicts whether political or punitive. Seems cheaper than all out war and more interesting than a "Rock, Scissors, Paper," battle.

    I'm not surprised that Ireland won. They do have the luck of the Irish on their side after all.

  2. Now THAT is what I call a decisive victory! Of course, I know nothing about the game, but that sounds like a "damned good trashing" indeed!

    I am relieved that there was no serious conflict over the anthem.

  3. Now that is an excellent idea Ewbl It is quite an exciting game it's rough but not too violent (unless I played and then it became a blood sport!), Ireland aren't the best team in Rugby.. the big teams are traditionally Australia, NZ, South Africa England and France/ That said Ireland have been pretty hot over the last couple of years

    43-13 is a big margin for a first class game Steve. It does mean that Ireland thrashed England yesterday!

    I'm glad too that common sense prevailed and a good game was had by all!

  4. Could you imagine that game being played 20 years ago.

  5. Not at Croke Park but Rugby was always a non sectarian sport. THe whole anthem thing would not have arisn ehd not Lansdowne Road, the Irish rugby and football stadium not been under redevelopment.

    I am glad it was a great result in what looks like a great atmosphere
