
19 February 2007

Slavish congratulation and convoluted sentences.

This letter was written by western acolytes of North Korea and appeared on the Red Banner of Songun website. It was addressed to “Peerlessly legendary son of Songun leader Kim Jong il”.

Our great leader Kim Jong Il, On the occasion of your birthday, the biggest holiday of humankind, we reverentially extend to you the greatest glory and congratulation. The Songun politics administered by leader Kim Jong Il who was born and grew up inheriting the lineage of Songun arms of Mt. Baekdu, and developed in depth the Songun idea of great President Kim Il Sung, is the only beacon and invincible sword of the progressive humankind fighting for the global independence and socialism in the fierce showdown with the imperialists, common enemy of the people.

The greatness, truthfulness, validity and vitality of the Songun idea and politics, the banner of anti-imperialist independence, are being proved day by day so thus Songun becomes a tendency of the world today. By dint of the great Songun politics the dark clouds of the imperialist domination and subordination, high-handedness and arbitrariness, and aggression and war will be smashed to pieces, and the blue sky of a new independent world, free, peaceful and thriving, will be opened without fail.

We express again the warm gratitude and glory to you, great sun of Songun, who is bestowing the great pride and self-confidence upon us, the absolute followers, defenders and disseminators of the Songun idea and politics.

This letter was issued on behalf of the Songun Group, The Association for the Study of the Songun Politics-UK (that splendid fellow Dermot Hudson, I would imagine) The Songun Politics Study Group-US, and the Pyongyang Mission of the AINDF (Anti Imperialist National Democratic Front)

Luckily there can’t be more than a few hundred fools in Europe and North America that believe this claptrap. After all Songun is hardly a benevolent policy: the army of North Korea gets everything and its people nothing. Then again there are those who still praise Stalin and Mao so I suppose it’s inevitable that Kim will get a small following of fools. I wish they would realise that shorter sentences is a virtue!


  1. Anonymous11:14 am

    "...the biggest holiday of humankind..."

    I wonder whether Coca Cola will be adding the birthday of Kim Jong Il to its "Holidays are coming" ad campaign.

  2. There are always some daft peole who make a cult out of weirdos. Kim jong-il can't last forever (does anyone know if he has any children?) - hopefully North Korea will collapse within a decade.

    PS I tried to do your thinking blog challenge - but everyone I wanted to tag has been tagged already

  3. “Our great leader Kim Jong Il, On the occasion of your birthday, the biggest holiday of humankind…”

    Wow, and all this time I was missing out on the biggest holiday ever! Who would have thought?

  4. "Kom Jon Il is coming, Singyn glory coming".. Hmm I'll stick to Xmas Roger!!

    I hope N Korea is consigned to teh dustbin of history too Snowflake. I know there are always a few nitters who support this sort of crap. Luckily it's only a tiny few

    Singing Bryan? Who needs that when Britney can show off that which makes her a girl and shave her head!

    Ain't you sorry you missed it Roland!

  5. My reaction to N. Korea's leadership? I'm reminded of some American soldiers captured during the Vietnam war, compelled to make a video in which they praised their captors. The text they chose? "We paean thee. We paean thee." You can imagine how that comes out when spoken in an American accent. So be it; I'll lead the chorus: O most mighty leader Kim, we paean thee...

  6. The cogs creak and I have just got that Steve, DOH!!!!!! The problem is he would proable like bean paed an!

  7. Comrade Jams, either you stop going to such sites or seek medical help, and take the People's Prozac. The first alternative has no side effects .

  8. Hah you should drink deeper at teh well of Juche and then you would not utter such counter-revolutionary statements. Be more goodthinkful and paise our Dear Leader!

    Seriously those arseholes really should learn who to write shorter sentences, preferably without the pro DPRK rubish in them!

  9. Beware: drinking of the well of Juche could mean a long period of toilet dependency for a person unused to the well contents.

    Anyway - I know that theses fools are few, but each time I see it, I have a difficulty to believe in their existence.

  10. Juche a philosophy that will go down in the annals of dysentery...

    I still find it amazing that people would believe that sort of shit.. I just cant get my head around it!

  11. This is the worst blog in humankind histories. Your brigandly disregard for the current desires of the Korean people to rally around Dear Leader and your wanton and undisguised pushing of a brink only at to the warmonger imperialists desires to up the war fervor in the west. You are well advised to rethink you position and conform to the current trend of Korean style man centered juche philosophies.

  12. Well Hero of Mt Paektu, I have had my Damascene conversion, the scales have fallen aeway from my eyes. I will pledge myself, after further self criticism, to becoming a true solider of Juche!!!!
