
30 April 2007

New Porcupine Tree CD and..

I'm pretty fond of Porcupine Tree so I'm not sure why I haven't gotten around to buying their new album yet. Fear of a Blank Planet was released two weeks ago.

In the meantime Rush are just about to release a new album, Snakes and Arrows (Rush have been one of my guilty pleasure bands since I was about 16!); Alan Davey, the Hawkwind bass guitarist has just released Human on the Outside. I feel some purchases coming on.....


  1. Wow. Just... wow. That's a formidable, scary and well-executed (ah, maybe I should choose another word) social statement. I don't know that I could watch a whole DVD of tracks like it, though. But I grew up in an era when youth were angry, not blank, so I'm not one to judge. It's superbly done, in any case.

    Hey, even I bought a CD this week, a rare event for me. It's a 1957 studio recording of Stan Getz meeting the Oscar Peterson Trio. As often as I've heard great-meets-great concerts and recordings, I've seldom heard one that works as well as this one, almost as if they worked together every day, rather than meeting once in their lives. Yeah, I know; that was 50 years ago... your point??? :)

  2. With the advent of mp3 downloads, I hardly ever buy CD's, new favorite Dutch group, Within Temptation, doesn't have anything available outside their website, and I don't have a clue how to convert Euro currency. It just seemed easier to buy some of their stuff on ebay.

    I love the story telling aspect to their videos. And their lead singer, Sharon den Adel is just plain gorgeous with an amazing vocal talent. I wish they were more accessible to these here United States!
    Angels is Sunbum's current favorite song.

    Stand My Ground is mine.

  3. Holy cow! I've never listened to Porcupine Tree before. That was certainly bleak but eerily true.

    When my brother was only 6, he refused to take any more Ritalin much to the chagrin of the school officials. They basically threatened to kick him out if he didn't continue on with his behavior modifying medication, so my mom had to move to a different school district. That was 12 years ago. Not so distant history.

  4. Can definitely recommend the new Alan Davey CD ... available from his official website,


  5. Vack in teh 70s Punk band Richard Hell and teh Voidoids did a song called blank generation... perhaps times don't change quite as much! It's a pretty disturbing video, Steve for a much underrated band.

    THanks EWBL I'll check them out. I've not heard of them before. Bloody hell, website prices are expensive (The dollar/Euro exchange rate is about 1.4 dolars to the Euro). Amazon UK has the cds a lot cheaper than the website and Amazon USA but you will get crucified on postal costs

  6. THat can't have been a good state of affairs ewbl. I hope things were resolved at teh time.

    THanks Ian I will definmitely get it. Oh btw your book Sonic ssassins was excellent

  7. Thanks for the kind words on Sonic Assassins (hey, I never know how many Ss to put in that word!)!


  8. Words due Ian! You wrote an excellent book about the Hawks!
