
02 April 2007

Now we are one

When I started the Poor Mouth last year I didn't really know how long I would last before I got tired and gave up - It seems I've been going on a bit longer than I expected.

But there probably would not have been a blog were it not for Redwine who encouraged me to start blogging in the first place. I am grateful to Elasticwaistbandlady for her support, injections of humour and her frequent comments, Steve Bates , Roland Dodds at But I am a Liberal who was the second blogger to link to the Poor Mouth.

I might have given up after a couple of months but for the visitors and links that came through Bloggers4Labour, Renegade Eye and Sonia-Belle (the last two prove that opposites attract).

Thanks to Siv, Bryan, Beakerin, Tyger , Snowflake, Gert of MadMusingsofMe, who knows what I look like and where I work! Peteris who is a highly talented guy and geat to chat with, Siani , who I've known almost as long as I've had internet access, The Fotis (one of whom knows what I look like and where I live), Roger whose nature photgraphs are wonderful (and make me green with envy at his talent!).

Sorry if I have missed anyone out. I am grateful to everyone who has linked to the Poor Mouth and to everyone who has left (nice) comments over the last year.


  1. Time flies. I started my blog four months before yours, but it feels like yesterday.

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. jams, we're really glad you're blogging. May you write and post for many years to come!

  3. A year?

    Jeez Louise - well done jams. Congrats. The Poor Mouth is always a blog I drop in on.

  4. Anonymous9:57 am

    Happy anniversary!

    I think you've hit just the right mixture of topics in your blog.

  5. I am surprised that some of my readers ended up here and at Sonia's site.

    One of the reason's I do blog interviews is it gives readers a feel for other bloggers.

    I was surprised to see around three or four of my readers at Sonia's and around two here. Sonia's site was not one I anticipated much interest in.

  6. Humour Injections? LOL.

    Bend over, jams, it's syringe time!

  7. Why not, Beak,

    Sonia has an appealing and very interesting site.

    And a lot of tolerance, so even if one disagrees... I like good fights and challenge.

    Already a year, Jams, who would have thought...time flies indeed. Congrats.

  8. Thanks Sonia, tempus fugits quickly, eh?

    Thanks Steve, were it not for Gunter Grass, our paths may not have crossed

    And a happy birthday to tygerland too Tyger!

    Ah but if I only had a fraction of your photography talent, Roger

    That's teh blogosphere Beakerking, there is a lot of cross visiting.. perhaps that's why it is the worldwide web. Even if you disagree politically often it is possible to find common ground

    500cc joke enema stat, Ewbl!!!!

    Thanks Red. there wouldnt have been a Poor Mouth without you!

  9. Happy Anniversary, Jams! That was one year... and how many cats?

  10. lol peteris, I'm tor between it going in a flash and in an eternity.. Four cats to rule over us!

  11. Peteri, look who's talking again. How many cats, indeed?

  12. I've got the answer to that riddle:

    Enough cats to start his own musical touring production of CATS.

    Enough cats to keep the Chinese buffet in fresh meat for a year.

    Enough cats to keep the computer chair, bed, sofa, and loveseat toasty warm during the cold, winter months.

  13. Ah well - a small production of cats, a small diner but enough for the various locations mentioned in point 3!!!
