
17 June 2007

Mazzy Star - Fade into you


  1. That song puts me to sleep. Whenever it plays when I'm working, I have to change it quick, or risk nodding off and running into somebody's yard.

  2. It is pretty dreamy - definitely not music for driving but still a great song

  3. It's mellow and pretty, but I allow very few slow songs into my personal favorites collection. It has to be reeeaaalllllyyy good for me to enjoy anything at a half tempo pace. "Under The Milky Way" made my list, as did "Ship Of Fools," by Robert Plant. I'm just not your typical romantic love song, 30-ish mom demographic. Throroughly Mormon Millie commented on my blog that she doesn't recognize ANY of my playlist choices save "Big Log." Good, that means I'm old and conservative but still outside the staid and expected norms.

    The day I start crowing about my love for Celine Dion and matchbox 20 is the day that I've lost all ability to hear.

  4. Ah ewbl, you've got to lile what you like. My own music taste reflects what I listened to in my youth (a lot of punk new wave and HM.

    Most of what I like is , let's say, "up tempo". I can't think of anyything by matchbox 20 but if I EVER started enjoying Celine myself, I would burst my eardrums!

  5.'s awesome to see someone else who knows this song! Thanks for putting it on your blog, their sound is just amazing.

  6. It is a wonderful song. Not good for drive time but great to float away on!
