
22 August 2007

So bad it's.....oh who am I kidding it's bloody terrible

Easy Livin' by Uriah Heep, one of the worst heavy rock bands ever grace the world. Vocalist David Byron was executed in 1976 for crimes against fashion and hairstyles - no mean feat in the mid 70s...


  1. Anonymous7:22 am

    For me, the only terrible thing about this is that the video isn't loading!! I love Uriah Heep. They were part of my teeny bopper years... ;-)

    It's a good thing that not everyone's got the same taste, isn't it? (By the way, try listening to Melinda... and tell me it's utter crap!!)

  2. I tried Uriah Hep (more my older sister's era than mine) but I really could not abide them. At the end of the day I do agree aboout differing music tastes, just so long as nobody goes to war over it!

  3. Anonymous11:46 am

    No war, promise! :)
    But please do come along to my blog and give "Come Away Melinda" a listen, ok?

  4. Agreed Sabine. Never shall there be war as a result of David Byron's choice of jacket!

    Come Away Melind was pretty good.

  5. I'll never forget the time a very nervous guy at church was called on to deliver a speech. He made several weird Uriah Heep references and then giggled and sweated. It was incoherent and jumbled at best. He took most of the hour, leaving his wife only 5 minutes to finish up at the end. The wife was a masterful orator like she was in politics or something and the rest of us sat there wondering why he tormented himself and us if he couldn't public speak very well.

    I'll never forget that. And by association, I won't forget Uriah Heep either. Although their music is largely forgettable.

  6. I never enjoy pblic speaking but once I get into my stride I'm okay (if you can put up with teh first minute or so!). It really sounds as if he should have left it to the wife to do the speaking.

  7. Nothing wrong with Uriah Heep - great record covers and a free introduction to Dickens :]
    Who can forget fluffy teenage lines like:
    "He was the wizard of a thousand kings,
    and I chanced to meet him one night wandering"

  8. I always thought Uriah Heep was the inspiration for Spinal Tap. I didn't realise it was actually Saxon.
