
22 September 2007

Photo Hunt - Paper

The theme for this week's is Paper. Again I had to think about this but decided to re-post a painting (on paper) given to me two years ago by the extremely talented Iranian artist Elahe heidari.

Ever since I first saw her work a few years ago I have been taken by the power of her work, particularly her portrayal of women. I was honoured when she sent this painting to me and more recently this magnificent drawing.

I know I posted this for a Wordless Wednesday but I love her work so much I want to share it with as many people as I can - so sorry if you have seen it before!

Finally, because I posted photos of two of my favourite pens last week, someone asked whether I had the handwriting to match. I think this picture is the answer.

For info. The top line is written with my right hand and says "The quality of mercy is not strained" The bottom line is with my left hand and says the Koala tea of Mersey is not strained *the punchline of a corny joke_


  1. Anonymous8:52 pm

    Ahh now that's some sophisticated paper compared to mine. Happy Hunting!

  2. Anonymous8:59 pm

    wow! its very fantastic.

    thanks for sharing.

  3. Anonymous9:02 pm

    Very distinguished choice for the theme... I like it!

    If I had to write that with my left hand you'd get neither "quality of mercy" nor "Koala tea of Mersey"!! *grin*

  4. I'm so glad you decided to share the artwork. Very powerful. I also like the samples of your handwriting. I fear my handwriting is totally indecipherable no matter which hand I write with.

  5. Anonymous9:10 pm

    The art is stunning! So incredibly powerful, especially the second piece.

  6. Wonderful use of paper! Very interesting story line too. Come and see mine.

  7. A talented choice for this week's theme. I love her work and how unique to have an original. Outstanding items need to be re-posted!
    You know, I was thinking about a "show me your handwriting" type of meme this week, just because I love pens... I just tried but can't write with my left hand.

  8. Anonymous9:39 pm

    nice potrayal of women by that artist... after staring at it for some time... i stil cant get the meaning behind those paintings... anyway... great paintings u have...

  9. Cool drawing!

    That's a criminal's handwriting if I've ever seen it! LOL
    Photo Hunters

  10. Jams, she does beautiful artwork! Very grand! you use the right or left hand? I am a leftie! Your pens are so lovely.

    Oh, and I know you already visited my blog, but I added something very interesting! hehehe

  11. Anonymous9:59 pm

    Wow - really good work indeed!!

    Happy Weekend.

  12. Your handwriting is horrible. Maybe a pic of yours for the Szondy test? Would make a good match with the handwriting...

  13. Those pictures really are very beautiful. What a talent!

  14. so you must be left handed!
    I love your entries! Very nice choices
    Love the second painting!

  15. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Both are striking but the image of the woman is fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing. Sara from farmingfriends

  16. I like the first image, a woman abstract, right?

    Mine is up at Photographic Memories.

  17. Very interesting paintings. The best I can do is stick figures. :)

  18. Anonymous10:53 pm

    wonderful works!
    happy weekend!

  19. Would I ever love to have a print of the 2nd one!!! WOW!!!!

  20. Loving the black and white painting!

  21. Anonymous11:39 pm

    wow ... love the second one, too!
    happy weekend!

  22. Anonymous11:42 pm

    WOW! I love paintings!!!:)
    Mine is up as well:)

  23. Hey Jams,
    These are wonderful photos for the theme. I can see why you think highly of this artist.
    But those beautiful pens are wasted on you, even if you are ambidextrous!
    Have a great weekend.

  24. Anonymous1:10 am

    what a wonderful of art..i like the first one..happy weekend!
    mine's up too and here AniqueAnik

  25. Clearly you are a doctor in another life. Do you serve Koala Tea with Kangaroo Stew? Have a nice weekend.

  26. great paintings. i really love the 2nd one. great take on this week's theme :D

  27. Anonymous3:02 am

    love this sketches.great shots.

  28. Wow now that's artwork. very neat!

  29. What beautiful art. I'm afraid I would have had a difficult time reading your handwriting. Lovely choice for this week.

  30. Anonymous3:42 am

    This is one of the things I love about the photo hunt -- every paper entry I've seen so far has been different, and I'm thinking, "Why didn't I think of that?!" Art on paper -- so cool! I've not heard of this artist. I like the second one especially.

  31. You are right; she is extremely talented. Is her work available for purchase?

  32. What lovely artwork and thanks for sharing it with us. Here's my paper

  33. Anonymous4:25 am

    I seriously do not know how to judge an art, but these are indeed very pretty. I like the second piece. Pretty.

  34. Those are some good shots on the different uses of paper. Nice submission for this week's theme. I love the 2nd painting...simplicity rules!

  35. Anonymous5:37 am

    Very artistic woman. Great idea and good photos. Have a good weekend.

  36. I, too, love the 2nd painting. Her art is fantastic! Thanks for sharing:)

  37. Anonymous6:05 am

    The paintings are beautiful! Happy weekend!

  38. beautiful paintings!

    hmmmmmm...if i were still teaching today and i see this, the following will be my comment for:

    line 1: write legibly!

    line 2: improve your handwriting.

    hahahaha...but I love what you've written. clever! :)

  39. Thanks everyone. Elahe is a very talented artist. You will see from the drawing that her subject does not have a mouth. This is a common to all her portraits and it says a lot about being a woman in Iran.

    Meeyauw she does sell her work but there are only a few people outside Iran with examples of her work.

    JMB I bet doctor's scripts would ahve driven you to distraction over the years. I had the grades and the handwriting but never the confidence to go to medical school. PPharmacists the world over were relieved!

    Ipanema I will do my 100 lines forthwith

  40. Great pics for this week, Shaunie. I love the fact that Elahe depicts her female subjects without mouths - very symbolic of the oppression experienced by women. I think you and I were doctors in past lives, if handwriting is anything to go by. You think yours is bad? I can't read my own!

  41. Anonymous1:22 pm

    Superb art work. I particularly like the drawing. So do you use your right and left hands at random, or do you have a preference?

  42. Anonymous2:48 pm

    great idea for paper! I have a sculpture art on mine.

  43. Anonymous4:51 pm


  44. what IS this photohunt thing? everyone seems to be doing it... do you subscribe, or what?

  45. Her skill is a wonder. Nice pen. I once had lovely penmanship until I turned my wrist completely back in an accident. I miss using a good pen and scribing with joy.

  46. That art is really beautiful and thought-provoking, too.

  47. Interesting style.

    Mine's up too :)

  48. Anonymous1:30 am

    Wow, those are amazing!
    Thanks for sharing.

  49. Elaines artwork is beautiful! I see how inspiring it is to you! Great photos for this weeks theme! My photo is up, please come and visit

  50. Anonymous5:35 am

    I like the 2nd painting. Beautiful.

  51. Very cool photos for paper! I am impressed by your ambidexterity. Fun quote. ;)

  52. Anonymous12:59 pm

    great work of arts!

    here's another pen.

  53. Those are beautiful artworks. I love the colors of the first one and I could see the image of a person in those beautiful hues. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  54. I think you should carry around one of those little court reporter transcription machine thingies everywhere you go rather than risk potential miscommunications using your handwriting. No offense, jams, you know I love you, but your writing......GAH! It hurt my eyes just to look at it.

    I love her paintings too. I didn't realize that you were like BFF's and got stuff delivered right to your door from her. That's pretty cool. (I know cool is a trite word. I just can't come up with anything else at the moment)

  55. I'm the first to admit my handwriting is abysmal ewbl I give thanks for the keyaboard!

    I chat with Elahe quite regularly. She is a lovely person. It was Redwine who introduced me to her
