
05 October 2007

Can't a cat have a wash in peace?

More Robyn, This week's entry for the Friday Ark and Carnival of the Cats.


  1. Oops I switched off the comment function.

  2. I love his black lips and the smoochy position they're in. Maybe he's telling you in feline to 'Kiss Off!' Jams.

  3. I love the Goth lipstick, too. He looks such a haughty, refined fluffy fellow - my favourite kind of cat. I tried to comment last night, you naughty thing! Thought you'd done it on purpose for some reason.

  4. ROFL! That pic deserves an LOLcats caption of some sort, but I'll leave it to you to add one if you want.

  5. He's got a little "Kitler" thing going there.

  6. He probably is EWBL but he is a gentle soul despite his size

    Not sure what I did Siani. I don't usually shut off comments. Done it once before but that was to shut down further comments on a post.

    Good idea Steve, but not in LOLCAT... Robyn has a limited vocabulary but his grammar and diction are superb!

    I've never thought of Robyn as a kitler, blueberry. I suppose the local asmal;l mammals birds and legless lizards would see him as a tyrant though...

  7. Anonymous6:20 pm

    we are
    Great shot

  8. Anonymous3:49 am

    He's a handsome devil, although he does tend to look grumpy, a bit like a retired colonel.

  9. Well he is a teenager now Bryan so I suppose he has the right to get annoyed with all the young whippersnappers!

  10. Wow, if looks could kill!

    I'm glad you were able to catch the moment and share it.

  11. IN reality he is a big gentle giant.. but cats do have that look that pouts us properly in our places
