
23 October 2007

Dedicated to Fred Phelps and the Westboros

Sylvester - You Make Me Feel

Klaus Nomi - Total Eclipse

Divine - So You Think You'ra a Man

I'm sure they will love my selection!


  1. What? No Pete Burns? Now he'd really upset old Fred and his tribe of numbskulls.

  2. I thought I'd stick with dead gay performers. Pete Burns would pis him off royally. How about a comedy line up of Graham Norton, Liliy Savvage and Julian Clary too!

  3. Those who know me, know, me like Nomi. In his heyday, he could even do arias by Henry Purcell respectably.

    Phelps is an object lesson in what can happen to someone who lets hate utterly consume him. With luck, some living gay performers will survive him to perform near his grave site at his funeral. Maybe they could dance on it...

  4. Excellent idea, Steve. How about Boy George performing his hit "Church of the Poison Mind", followed by Pete Burns singing his hit "In Too Deep", as the grave diggers shovel earth over Phelps' coffin.

  5. ROFL, siani; excellent selection of works and performers for the occasion. I won't wish Phelps into his grave before his time, but I will wish him away from other peoples' graves. That man carries the notion of "lack of basic social skills" to a whole new level. Be grateful an ocean separates you from him.

  6. The scariest thing about Fred Phelps is that his spawn are all well educated lawyers who use their eloquence to cover up traces of extreme bat shit craziness.

  7. That is frightening EWBL! Joining eloquence and insanity can be a dangerous combination
