
30 October 2007

Principled German takes stand against age discrimination

Rolf Eden has a history of not taking no for an answer and does not plan to start at the age of 77. He has just filed charges against a 19-year-old for refusing to sleep with him on. He believes that her action was flagrant age discrimination

Despite a night on the town with Eden, which ended back at his place, she refused to have sex with him, saying the he was too old for her. "That was shattering. No woman has ever said that to me before,” he said "I was crushed." He has filed charges with the prosecutors' office, he said. "After all, there are laws against discrimination." Champagne and his piano playing were not enough to bridge the age gap

Eden is well known to older Germans for having been the king of Berlin nightlife in the 1950s and '60s. Indeed, he is said to have opened up Germany's first-ever discotheque. He's also known for popularizing stripteases in post-war West Germany.

There are those 77 year olds would be happy with a mug of cocoa, a sing song and some happy memories but not Herr Eden, obviously. I’m not quite sure that this sort of complaint was envisaged when Germany framed its age discrimination laws. If he is successful will the girl be required to supply the Viagra and the post-coital defibrillator? If he is successful will it have an impact on English law? (I can see Peter Stringfellow consulting his lawyers). And why stop at ageism...I wonder if I’ll be ever able to sue all those girls who turned me down over the years. A fat, balding loser like me would be quids in.... WOO HOO!!!!!!


  1. LOL this dirty old goat could be giving hope to saddos the EU over!

  2. Blimey1 he's got some nerve, hasn't he?

  3. I get the feeling somehow that his suit might just be laughed out of court!

  4. He can’t possibly be serious. While I am sure no reasonable court would ever rule in his favor, it would be the absolute ultimate end of the PC movement: his feelings were hurt and it was the States job to remedy the situation.

    This guy needs to either enjoy his golden years in peace, or start “paying for his evening outings” if you get my drift…

  5. There's no way I can see this case get to court Roland! With his past I get the feeling he would find the hore of "ladies of negotiable affection" infra dig....

  6. Peter Stringfellow - that was the name that first came to my mind reading this! And then I saw you'd mentioned him.

    You've got to admire his nerve though!

  7. Hahahaha ! I wonder how many fat, bald men could sue me ! Your story scared me !

  8. There's a big helping of Chutzpah in his action isn't there Liz!

    Tsk, tsk Gattina!
