
09 December 2007

More bear controversy

It is definitely a bad time to be a bear. Just as the furore Mohammed the bear has died down another bear is in the spotlight. The BBC reports that Paddington bear will be arrested and interrogated over his immigration status.

Paddington Here and Now, due to be published in June 2008, will mark the 50th anniversary of the bear’s appearance. In this book Paddington, who arrived in the country as a stowaway, is interviewed about his right to stay in England. He has no papers to prove his identity as his Aunt Lucy arranged for him to hide on a ship's lifeboat from Peru when she went to live in the Home for Retired Bears in Lima.

Unless the Home Secretary can be persuaded to let him stay there is a serious risk that the next Paddington Bear book will be set in Peru, a nation he has not known for half a century, and surely has no surviving family connections. I would write to my MP forthwith but Andrew Rosindell would probably demand he be flogged to within an inch of his life before deportation. I wonder if the Mail or the Express will take up his case?


  1. Anonymous1:25 am

    I was going to feel sorry for him, but then I thought I'd never heard that he has a job either and what about his dependants? Is there a Mrs Bear? Maybe we should deport him after all ;-)

  2. Anonymous2:57 am

    There will surely be inquiries at Question Time, and possible a commission.

  3. I loved Paddington back in the day.

  4. Anonymous7:50 am

    Fear not - they will discover he is related to Brown Bear and they will be forced to give him Diplomatic Status.

  5. I think he's still single Alison but the Browns may be prosecuted for knowingly harbouring an illegal. If they put him to work without pay then that should be considered slavery.

    I hope so Bryan!

    For some reson I never read them as a child. I was too old to appreciate the tv series narrated by Michael Hordern.

    Welshcakes A concerted campagaing may ensure the Home Secretary intervenes!

    Hmm Aileni he was taken in by Browns.....

  6. ...coming over here and taking our jobs; eating our peanut butter - they should all be sent back to where they came from.

  7. LOL Pisces he was more of a marmalade consumer.

  8. I could not bear the thought of Paddington being deported.
    Isn’t said where there is a will there is a way?
    Thus, if Paddy could bring himself to dispose his skin by will, this should be the way.
    As his name indicates his real provenience, Paddy f.e. could once make a great post mortem career being one of the nice c(h)aps of the Irish Guards.

  9. Oh that's awful, Sean!!! On the other hand there was apocryphal story about the butcher who had a sign in his window:

    Watership Down: You've reseen the film, you've read the book, now eat the cast"

  10. It appears not Richard!

  11. Oh, this criminal bear makes me sick. Will someone please think of the children?!

  12. It's terribel Roland. I'm now waiting for Winnie the Pooh to be outed as a paedophile and Rupert coke addles S&M freak!
