
09 July 2008

Preying on desperation

Cancer sufferers seem to be particular prey to charlatans and con artists. How often do we hear of such vultures giving false hope to the seriously or terminally ill? This case from South Australia seems particularly vile

Shannon O’Donnell died after a "doctor" gave her a bogus cancer cure. The Social Development Committee hearing into unregistered and deregistered doctors took evidence from Shirley O'Donnell, Shannon’s mother. Shannon died 36 days after receiving "ozone treatment", in 2003, from a man known as Lubo Bitelco.

Ms O'Donnell was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003 and went to Mr Bitelco after hearing from a friend about his treatments.He promised her a "50 per cent cure" after giving her a treatment known as "vaginal blowing" during which she had to move up and down on the bed saying "Oh, Boy", Mrs O'Donnell said. He then offered to continue the treatment for almost $10,000, showing her albums and videos of previous clients.

Ozone treatment is an alternative treatment that was widely condemned by experts after six Australians were found to have died from it in 2006.It usually involves administering ozone in gas form. The coroner found Ms O'Donnell had died from sepsis and that it was unclear whether the infection was from the treatment or whether the cancer was responsible.

Mrs O'Donnell said she understood Mr Bitelco was still practising. "I hope something is going to be done to stop him," she said."I can't do anything about Shannon (but) I would like the police to do something about him and his methods."

What can one say but hope that this charlatan gets his just desserts as soon as possible, hopefully slowly and unpleasantly


  1. It beggars belief that in the times when these people are so desperate that crooks come out and take advantage of their pain and suffering. Stick his bits in a vice grip and brand him where the sun don't shine.

  2. This is awful and as I get on, not decrepit yet though, I wonder about it. Age, cancer, other people in difficulties - the vultures are there, ready to pounce.

  3. We will have to remain on our guards. No dubt about that James

  4. Makes you wonder how is still allowed to be practicing!

  5. I know Cherie. I hope he's stopped. Snoopy how about anal blowing for him.. pressure hose up the jacksie and let him shout oh boy!

  6. True Story:
    My dad was actually friends with a Houston plastic surgeon who lost his license after botching so many surgeries. Well, he then started to cater to poor Hispanic people and began doing unlicensed liposuction from his home where he then proceeded to accidentally kill off several patients. Why Houston didn't stop this guy sooner is a real mystery.

    Look up Hugo Ramirez. Real quality individual. My dad says Hugo had a nice house. Yay for him, earning riches off the backs of dead patients.
