07 August 2009

Photo Hunt - low

The theme for this week's Photo Hunt is low. Lacking photos of the Fens or of lowing cows, here's a photo of an early encounter between newcomer Boris (left) and alpha cat Robyn. The scene may not look tense but it would do had I recorded the soundtrack!. Hopefully this marks the low point n their relationship. Robyn is a laid back moggy so that should help


Carver said...

I hope they will develop a fast friendship with lost of high moments. Great shot and take on the theme. Happy weekend!

Photo Cache said...

it's fascinating how each player interprets the theme. i hope those two little cuties experience more highs next time around.

CRIZ LAI said...

Whoa... those are two beautiful furs. :)


Liz Hinds said...

Boris definitely looks as if he's taking the submissive role.

Lovely cats!

candi said...

What a great take on theme. They both look cute, I hope they get along well.

Happy weekend.

Bryan said...

Boris is much bigger than I assumed. They'll have to sort it out, but it's usually easier with neutered males than females.

expatraveler said...

Great imagination for this theme, hope they are doing better soon too!

Annie said...

They are both so beautiful! Congrats on the new arrival. I know all about those early tense days but cats do work it out, after a lot of hissing and glaring drama.

Great take on the theme and here's to a happy and peaceful relationship!

Annie said...

They are both so beautiful! Congrats on the new arrival. I know all about those early tense days but cats do work it out, after a lot of hissing and glaring drama.

Great take on the theme and here's to a happy and peaceful relationship!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Lovely pic and a very imaginative take on the theme.

CherryPie said...

Aww! I bet they will be good friends soon :-)

Anonymous said...
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YTSL said...

Teehee re your creative take on the "low" theme. Yeah, wish you had recorded the soundtrack of the encounter - bet it could have been used to scare other animals away from your place! ;b

Anonymous said...

I wanted lowing cattle as well - I like the way cats exude an attitude. Not that I am a cat lover - I read Kipling at a young, impressionable age ;)

Corey~living and loving said...

creative take on the theme. :) wish I could have heard the noises. :)

have a happy weekend.

jmb said...

I think it is pretty obvious that there is some tension there, even without the soundtrack. LOL.
Happy weekend Jams.

julie said...

Uh-oh, i hope everything is good between them now :)

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Nothing like a low-down dirty cat-calling session...

I think you will appreciate the stretch on my contributions this week...

Amazing Gracie said...

I sure hope the "nekkid" toes didn't get chomped on! Boris is the perfect name for a big, fluffy cat! Now, you need a Natasha.

Brita said...

Such beautiful cats! I can imagine the soundtrack...
Good take on the theme.

Marites said...

beautiful cats! they are just starting to get to know each other, i suppose. my Ph entry is up too.

LifeRamblings said...

i'm sure they will get along well. those cats are adorable. MEOW!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone!

bonggamom said...

That's a clever interpretation of this week's theme!

Gemma Wiseman said...

I this is the low point, just a stand off, then these two must be on the way up together! Great choice for the theme!

Bim said...

Brave the human who sits between them!
Hope they'll get to be friends.

Unknown said...

A LOW point in a relationship? What a fantastic take on this week's theme. Great job, Jams!!


annalarssonphotography said...

I hope they will be friends sooner or later.
I can feel it, even if it will take time.

Great take on this theme Jams!

Have a nice weekend!

RJ Flamingo said...

I'm very familiar with that scene! And I'm happy to know that I wasn't the only one who thought of lowing cows - alas, I don't have a photo of one of those, either! :-)

Happy Weekend!

Gabriel said...

Nice picture, Jams. I like the idea of the cats being at the low point of their relationship!

Now, what's up with that message you got that says 'Michael Jackson' and then a lot of stuff in Chinese?

gengen said...

They are cute hehee...happy weekend. Mine is ready too.

James Higham said...

Ah, the interpretations of low around the sphere are interesting today.

A. said...

I can see the tension there, but I'm sure the relationship is already on the way up. A great interpretation!

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Ah, cats. I have same encounters here amongst our feline crew. Some days it gets very, very low. lol.

Mine's up, too! I hope you can visit.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Mecomber

ohmygums said...

what a unique interpretation of this weeks theme... it's kinda' hard to figure out but we did it in our own little ways.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

I can almost hear the low growls that go along with that posture.
It will only go up from there!

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

The beer was definitely doing the thinking for me when I posted last night. I COMPLETELY forgot about the big *claim to fame* of the stretch of railway I photographed and added to the post!

Please check it out!

jams o donnell said...

Thanks evryone!

Carin said...

Really hope their low moment is short and that they will be the best of friends in a short while. Nice entry!

Patricia said...

Very cute! I hope that was indeed the low moment. I remember when our two cats met. There were just a few fireworks. Blessings!

Colin Campbell said...

Tension Centre.

EG CameraGirl said...

It's not easy for the first to accept a second, is it? Hopefully Robyn has gotten over it by now. ;-)

annies home said...

hope the friendship is better now

sally in norfolk said...

i love the way everyone sees a different take on these themes .. hope they soon become the best of friends :-)

jams o donnell said...

Thanks everyone. The level of tension is falling a little. THat can only be a good sign!

oldwhitelady said...

They'll probably be friends in no time. They both are beauties. I really like the fluffy tail on Boris.

jams o donnell said...

Thanks I hope they do become friends!