
20 October 2009

Quiz night, Somali-style

I don’t often go to quiz nights but when I do I am usually on the winning team. The prizes are normally consist of alcohol or small amounts of cash but never rifles, hand grenades or an anti-tank mine.

According to the BBC a quiz organised by Somali Islamists did indeed give out such goodies as prizes. The quiz ran during Ramadan in the port city of Kismayo, and included questions about the Koran and Somali geography. A representative for the al-Shabab militant group said the quiz aimed to stop young men from wasting their time and focus on defending their territory.

The winning team reportedly won a rifle, two grenades, a landmine and office supplies worth $1,000 (£613). But the runners-up did not go home empty-handed, taking away an AK-47 and bullets.

The guns, grenades and land mine I can understand but the office equipment? Good for writing ransom demands I suppose... or perhaps the pen IS mightier than the sword


  1. The monthly quiz at the Broadbridge Heath Village Centre has nothing so exciting as prizes for when the Horsham Labour Party keep winning.

    No doubt to prevent us from an armed uprising.

  2. Oh, my. We American leftists groups don't have a budget for prizes. I'd hate to presume what those would be given a surplus of funds.

  3. On the other hand it would make the election campaign a little more interesting Skuds!

    Pagan Sphinx I shudder to think.. probably something worthy like a bound set of Chomskys!

  4. Oh my! What was the booby prize then?

  5. The blending of weaponry and the mundane day to day is a mark of such people's focuses.

  6. Possibly the chance to sept on the landmine Liz!

    Often the terrible things we can do to our bosses with them, James!

  7. And notice this as well:

    Somalia's hardline Islamist group al Shabaab has publicly whipped women for wearing bras they say violate Islam by constituting a deception, north Mogadishu residents said Friday.

  8. I was hoping you were kidding about the quiz and prizes, but alas, you are not.

    And I'm so glad I'm a woman in Canada, not Somalia...

  9. Great... Are they supplying the pirates as well?

  10. Absolutely Knatolee

    Probably Stephanie!
