
23 February 2010

Iran a bit touchy over what you call the (insert name here) Gulf

According to the BBC Iran has warned that airlines will be banned from flying into its airspace, unless they use the term "Persian Gulf" on their in-flight monitors. The transport, Hamid Behbahani, minister has threatened to impound planes that fail to comply.

Iran is insistent that the stretch of water separating it from its southern neighbours should be known as the Persian Gulf. Call it Gulf and you will irritate the Iranian authorities; call it the Arabian Gulf and it’s war!
The Iranian transport minister has given foreign airlines 15 days to change the name to Persian Gulf on their in flight monitors. If they failed, they would be prevented from entering Iranian airspace, he warned.

If the offence was repeated, foreign airliners would be grounded and refused permission to leave Iran (hmm I wonder how if they had been refused entry to Iranian airspace......)

Numerous Arab airlines fly into Iran every day, not to mention Europeans and others, so it remains to be seen how they will respond.....

There may be a reason for this move which will be the subject of a later post. In the meantime I have a solution that will please everyone. I suggest that we call it the BRITISH GULF and have done with it!


  1. Now you are a wind-up merchant!

  2. Well when I say happy, I mean piss everyone off Calum!

  3. Actually, it is correctly called the Persian Gulf. This is a bit draconian
    but the Iranians are correct.

    Did you know that the looney ruler of Iran is actually an Azeri and not Persian. Iran is actually only 51% Persian.

  4. Sorry, I don't like to correct anyone, but Iran - well, at least the torturing and murdering bastards in power are at best 1,69% Iran. The rest of them is bicycle.

    [word verification: really]

  5. It's stupid and that;s why I posted Beakerkin. Yes I knew that the Persian majority in Iran was a slim one. Another potential major fault line in the country which I hope does not slip.

    And bicycles with wonky wheels and dodgy brakes at that Sean! Oh for Sergeant Pluck

  6. I think calling it Russian Gulf will enter some pepper in international relations ;-)

    How long will it take for Putin to send a fleet to the place?

  7. Now that would be fun.. WWIII anyone?
