
08 March 2010

The Sunne in Splendour II


  1. Anonymous8:57 am

    Splendiferous here at the moment.

  2. Glad to hear it Aileni

  3. Anonymous6:50 pm

    looks more like a UFO descending at night for a rendevous to harvest some more of what they need from us and catch up on the football scores, but maybe you need to have experienced that to understand :)

  4. Funny you should mention it but only last week I was probed by some aliens who asked me how Yeovil Town were doing

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous9:14 pm

    While my latest sample was being taken (quite pleasantly I have to say) the Grey with big almond eyes asked me if Dunfermline Athletic had any manly breeding stock among their supporters. She said they were looking for the gene for supporting lost causes. I told her to Google a guy called Calum

  7. Ah Calum have they been to you too?

    That is a hallmark of the Greys- corteous violation. Do youn get tea and a bun before being returned?

    I am sure Calum would be an ideal candidate Andrew!

  8. Anonymous10:41 pm

    I got a wee card marking 100 donations, but then was gently told that I was supposed to wait until the next time I was called and not be standing out in the garden at night shining a strong torch up in the air to attract their attention. I tell my wife I am out catching moths, but she must wonder why I return with such a smile.

  9. That is great going but it is probably best not to be over eager. Still when you get to 250 vitits you get a neutroniun badge and at 500 a pure latinum badge with a cute little dilithium crystal.

    On the other hand at that point you may well have an arse like a windsoock from all the probing.

    Your wife is very trusting. My other half has instructed my abductors to make the probing extra deep

  10. Anonymous10:54 pm

    May I suggest you've taken up with the wrong crowd mate? I wouldn't go with the probers, just the grey girl with the big almond shaped eyes (did I mention her before?) who needs the neutronium tube full of my genes. Her only flaw is her support for Raith Rovers and interest in a big dour gruff guy from Kirkcaldy called Gordon. It's purely an experimental interest though - she wants to see if she could engineer a natural smile into him. Progress has not been good so far, but maybe if he wins his election?

  11. Raith Rovers? I suppose it could have been worse if she had been away a while and came back to find out how Third Lanark are doing.

    Her side project is going to be a life's work. If he does win the election I would not go much further than hoping for a thin smile myself!

  12. What have I done to deserve this? All I said was, "YES!" to describe the pic.

  13. Anonymous10:35 am

    Supporting Dunfermline Athletic Calum.... once you reveal that trait, just once, anywhere, even if it wasn't here, it tends to stick in the mind...

  14. Why thanks HGF!

    Calum, it looks like support for Dunfermiline marks one ass a special person.. as Andrew testifies!

  15. Lovely luminous image, Jams. The colours are quite unexpected — almost painterly.

  16. Personally I think support of Dunfermiline is to be proud of Calum!

    Thanks Stan. I'm glad you like it
