
30 April 2010

Photinia blossom

The Photinia tree (shrub?) in our garden is in blossom.


  1. Gorgeous, Jams. It has a Chinese feel I think.

  2. I like the little red tips in the heart of this flower. I never cease to be amazed at the different varieties one can grow in a garden. I love to go to the Botanical Center, in Toronto. But the one in Montreal is incredible. Acres and acres....I have wonderful memories of visiting with my father, when I was 5-6, and deciding with him which countries we would travel to on that day. Nice to discover your corner of the world, Jams.

  3. Thanks it is a beautiful tree/shrub
    SE you are quite right photinias grow across China to Japan and south towards India and Thailand

    Ah Claudia what a wonderful way to travel vicariously!

  4. Gorgeous, wonderful ..... !!

  5. Beautiful Jams, I am so impressed with your photos. Forgive me if I have missed anything in the past, but do you have a book published of your work or one in progress? I would buy it. :)

  6. No plans but I might just Nunyaa
