
23 June 2010

Bloody hell!

I've forgotten how potent tramadol is.... Jams O'Donnell may well be away with the fairies for a little while..

Actually it may be for less than I thought!

On the other hand Paroxetine and Tramadol together feel decidedly strange


  1. May the fairies be kind to you and send you soon back in the land of the painless, my friend.

  2. Thanks Sean. got tramadol for a rib inflamation. It's killed my knee pain dead too. It also has me feeling rather out of it!

  3. Enjoy the "out of it" part... and get well soon... :)

  4. Thanks Nevin.. It's an odd feeling

  5. Mmmm Tramadol, one for sorrow two for joy.
    Got rid of my back pain, gave me toothache from all the jaw grinding though.

  6. Being away with the fairies is normally a good place to be!

    But in your case I hope you feel better soon, it doesn't sound like much fun.

  7. One is not enough, two are a bit too much! Not to worry! You'll come back. Just don't get used to it...All the best!

  8. Sadly you will not remember your dreams.

  9. THanls everyone. Just taken a morning dos and it hits fast... the light headedbess that is. I will be taking my SSRI soon. I wonder how they will react...

  10. While you were out of it Ted as CEO
    of this blog made some editorial changes.

    Now starring in the role of Jams is Ben Afleck.

  11. Ben Affleck as Jams? I like that if not exactly a look alike! Benn Affleck as Bartleby out of Dogma, not that;s how I would love to be portrayed!
