
19 July 2010

Negareh Ayatollahi – Iranian artist

Regular readers know that I am very fond of the work of Elahe Heidari a supremely talented Iranian artist. In 2008 I had the pleasure of meeting her in Paris while she was on a scholarship at the Cite International Des Arts in Paris. Also at the Cite International were other extremely talented and utterly charming young Iranian artists in residence, including Negareh

A week or so ago I was delighted to receive an email from Negareh announcing that that she had finally set up a website to display her work

Negareh is from Tehran. She has studied art in Tehran and in Paris. She has exhibited frequently in both France and Iran as well as in Greece, Russia and Italy.

As I have said before I am no art critic but I do like Negareh’s work very much. Art for me is a visceral rather than a cerebral experience.Her site is well worth visiting.


  1. Lovely thank you for sharing her beautiful art with us.

  2. So glad you like her work Cherie

  3. Superb, Jams. Her exhibitions are fascinating.

  4. She is very talented Claude. She is also a very nice person indeed

  5. Her work truly is magnificent.

  6. I'm glad you think so Susan

  7. Just back from her website:
    Different, interesting, thought-provoking. Bookmarked.
    Thanks for sharing, Jams.

  8. Her work looks very interesting.

  9. Sean, Welshcakes I'm so glad you like her work
