
27 August 2010


I don't think that was Sylvester. Ted vanished off somewhere yesterday and wouldn't say where he went....


  1. A dish best served cold... I love it!

  2. Can't stop laughing! Well done. Sometimes, I like some of us.

  3. Yep. That's precisely the way. Should have scratched the face a bit, too.

  4. Anonymous7:23 pm

    How's Ted getting on with Greebo? I suspect they'll both make each other worse (like criminals put together in the same cell). Take care Jams.

  5. OK, Ted shouldn't have done it, but it's just Mary Bale ate the end of the day. ...

  6. Mary Bale7:40 pm

    To think this video is being seen around the world is unbelievable. I'm a very private person and don't want to upset any members of my family. I don't know what my relatives will think.

  7. Poetic justice eh?

    Andrew Ted and Greebo have truly formed an axis of feline evil!

    Ah Mary that is the price of a connected world!

  8. Cat in the Bin8:34 pm

    Forgive me if I have no sympathy Mary. As for what your relatives think, you should be more worried about what MY relatives think. You should expect to smell cat piss in your house and car for many years to come. We have ways of getting in. And Jams is right, the world is VERY connected. More than even Jams thinks. Ted uses Jams computer as Jams sleeps, although Ted did find it difficult to learn to stop just playing about with the mouse :))

  9. Sergeant Pluck9:02 pm

    Hale Bopp will return in 4535. As soon as Sergeant MacCruiskeen and I manage to put her on the right bicycle, it will take a bit longer that Bale Bopp returns.

    [word verification: firrof]

  10. Ct in the bin you are quite right. I have sussed out that Ted has been playing on the computer. It's the settings that are changed and the claw marks on the mouse that are a dead giveaway!

    Ah Sergeant I knew you would have an inventive solution to this!
