
04 October 2010

And now a new British Nobel laureate

After British triumphs at the Ig Nobels it has been announced that physiologist Professor Robert Edwards has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for his work on in vitro fertilisation.

He, and the late Dr Patrick Steptoe developed IVF technology in which egg cells are fertilised outside the body and implanted in the womb.

The groundbreaking work led to the birth of the world's first test tube baby, Louise Brown, in 1978.

Louise Brown as a baby

Mike Macnamee, chief executive of Bourn Hall, near Cambridge, the IVF clinic which Prof Edwards founded, said: ''Bob Edwards is one of our greatest scientists. His inspirational work in the early '60s led to a breakthrough that has enhanced the lives of millions of people worldwide.

''Bob Edwards is held in great affection by everyone that has worked with him and was treated by him. I am really pleased that my great mentor, colleague and friend has been recognised in this way.''

One of his proudest moments was discovering that 1,000 IVF babies had been born at Bourn Hall since Louise Brown.

A spokeswoman for Prof Edwards said he was not well enough to give interviews.

A hearty congratulation to a man whose work has brought joy to many thousands. I hope that he is well enough to accept his prize.


  1. Anonymous10:28 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Anonymous10:56 pm

    Decided I couldn't be bothered stirring up any nonsense responses Jams, hence deletion of the comment that you probably read. I am looking forward to hearing about the Physics and Chemistry ones later in the week.

  3. Andrew I agree with what you said in the deleted post. The Vatican are stupid to say that the award is out of order

    Am always interested who winds. THe medicine and chemistry prize winner interest me particularly

  4. It appears they do much better in general with all prizes but the one for peace.

  5. Edwards stands as an example for many in medical field.

  6. It's good thing for him to have been awarded with such a insight/solution for infertility issues. Think that because of this many childless couples are rewarded for their wait, isn't too much for others to oppose?

    aion account

  7. Yes a well deserved prize :-)

  8. It was a well deserved prize in deed
