
14 October 2010

Lighter posting for a week or so

I am heading fast towards not being a civil servant anymore. Quite a few colleagues are heading fast towards the same situation. We decided to leave of our own accord with a reasonable settlement (but nothing like the figures touted by lazy hacks) rather than be part of the impending cull where the settlement will be a lot worse.

Needless to say I have a lot of loose ends to tie.

To be honest it's only now that the reality of my decision is hitting home. I don't regret the decision but still....

Ah well roll on signing on (for the NI credits), relearning how to write a cv, brushing up on some rusty skills and more time (for a while anyway) for photography....


  1. good luck Jams. I no longer have that problem of looking for work but I know what it is like so remember the immortal words of Cpl Jones
    "Don't panic!"
    A job will appear just when you need it.

    miracles take time
    69 days for example!

  2. Here's to a good job and soon! A brave move taking the path you have.

  3. It's a funny thing how much we can allow our jobs to define who we are. That makes having other avenues of interests and skills all the more important. Keep up the good work :-)

  4. Hope it all works out well for you. Husband is loving being retired but you're a lot younger so I suppose you will want to find another job. perhaps you could be a photographer!

  5. It's a devastating situation, Jams. My thoughts are with you this evening.

  6. Anonymous9:49 pm

    Good wishes Jams.

  7. Thanks everyone. I have no real regrets at the decision but a bit of trepidation to.

    I don't plan to work for the reset of the year. No point in working even a casual job and get taxed at 40%

  8. I can understand your anxieties, but I get the feeling you're actually quite looking forward to new challenges? :-)

  9. Its the reality of things hitting home, the anxieties "have I made the right decision?".

    I've made the decision, it's binding so no going back now!

  10. Good luck on your new journey and I hope everything works out fantastically well for you.

    And if you're not already selling your photos, start doing so! :) Beautiful.

  11. Egg, Knatolee, Thanks!

  12. I know you have made the right decision and I wish you good luck with it.

  13. Thanks Cherie. I hope you are right!
