
19 November 2010

Friday guest cat - Cutta Cutta

skight change of tack for this week's Friday cat blogging. Rather than a photo of one or more of the pulchritudinous puss-cats that rule this house here is some video footage of Cutta Cutta drinking. This relates to a post yesterday in which the mechanics of cat drinking had been studied by scientists at MIT and other establishments


  1. I do not tire of watching this. I know, now, the reason I cannot drink so elegantly is that I do not have a cat's long whiskers, and a fast, moving, well-mannered tongue. Cats have been civilised for 9,500 years. I don't think humans have made it yet!

  2. Anonymous1:20 am

    Hmmm Claude, I'm not too keen on the "civilised" way they clean themselves though, nor am I flexible enough (thank goodness).

  3. It's only very recently that humans wash often, adding all kinds of smelley chemicals to the clear water. In my long-ago childhood, humans were taking a bath once a week only. I would say that cats have learned much sooner than humans to wash themselves thouroughly, and more than once a day. Not flexible, Andrew? Old age is horrific...Cheers, old buddy!

  4. That is a shame Claude. Still reincarnation will bring all of those I am sure!

  5. Andrew, Claude if we were that flexible we would delight in cleaning hard to get crevices in such a manner, I am sure!

    Bath time was once a week in my childhood too... in my late teens I discovered the joys of the two hour bath with coffee, biscuits. cigarettes, music and a book and I never looked back!

  6. Hahaha! Do you have time to wash, Jams?

  7. After a couple of hours the dirt just floated away Cjaude!

    Francis Phwooar yes!

  8. I came home and thought - now what I need is a youtube of a cat slurping. Thanks, Jams.

  9. It was your lucky day James!
