
05 December 2010

Did I make the right move? I think so

I spoke to a former work colleague during the week. Unsurprisingly I was curious about recent developments at my former place of employment. I was told that a review that was underway when I was left had been completed. One of the key recomendations is that everyone be interviewed regarding their suitability. The successful ones would keep their post, the rest would go to "redeployment". A staff reduction of about 15% is expected (although further cuts are inevitable to meet this savings required in the Spending Review).

If this is actually the case then I can only imagine what staff morale is like. Myself, if I had stayed on, I probably would have been vulnerable - not because of my competence (I was very good at my job) but because of ongoing health problems.

I decide to jump (as did quite a few others) when the terms were still decent rather than be pushed on far less favourable terms. I think I did the right thing


  1. I'm sure you did, jams.

  2. I definitely think so now Liz

  3. According to the new developments, I think you were inspired to resign at this time, Jams. It looks like people will be put in a no-win situation where they will be offered a lesser package to leave, and very few working options.

    It happened a few years ago with our Northern and Indian affairs Department. In a surprise move, the department was redesigned on the pretext that the Natives could now take care of themselves (they can't!!!!). And 1/2 the staff had to go. It didn't matter that employees had tenure. If the jobs disappear, the government doesn't have to find them another one elsewhere. And the Unions cannot fight for jobs which have ceased to exist.

    My ex-husband had seen this coming. And he had left a year earlier with a nice package offer. I think (like him) you truly did the right thing, Jams.

  4. It's awful you had to make the choice but I believe you made the right decision.

  5. Claude It loks like your ex did the right thing too! What is happening is exactly what I feared so better to jump before probably pushed!

    Susan, Nursie, I am convinced it was the right thing

  6. "The successful ones would keep their post..."

    This is the key sentence. The problem with it that the "successful" are the ones with most brown noses, if you know what I mean.

    Yes, I would say your move was timed very well.

  7. Sounds to me like you did the right thing at the right time, Jams.

  8. Quite a few of us saw the writing on the wall and got out Stan

  9. I think you did the right thing too.

  10. Given the grimness of the current SR I definitely did!

  11. Snoopy nailed it. Suitability is a code word for brown noses.
