
07 December 2010

Just back from Christmas lunch with my former work colleagues... While it was good to, see them I remembered why I used to avoid this annual event like the plague. Cramped tables, overpriced substandard food, dodgy service....

Never again!


  1. I've taken three days off next week - just in time to miss the xmas party!

  2. I don't know why I suffered those parties so many years. I retired at 68. And of course they gave me a party! At one point, they clinqued their glasses, and asked, "Speech! Speach! Speach!" I got up, and I said, "Thanks the gods. I'll never have to attend one of those parties again. AuRevoir et Merci!"

  3. Help! Is it speech or speach? Whatever....

  4. I've got it coming up on Saturday and am looking forward to it like a visit to the dentist. These things are only tolerable if you're pissed out of your head and I, unfortunately, am dangerously allergic to alcohol!

    (But my position at work unfortunately means I have to show up. I will arrive late and leave as soon as decently possible ... when the boss gets so tanked up that he isn't tracking clearly any more, something which usually happens fairly quickly. :-)

  5. M sentiments exactly Ruth!

    Haha Claude I bet they didn't want to hear that!

    Ah Francis if you have to go then best to make it as painless as possible

  6. Since I learnt that 'party' derives from 'to depart', I do depart whenever I hear the word.
