
20 December 2010

Time to start thinking outside of the box?

It's been almost two months since I parted company with the Home Office - not that I have done particularly much with this time apart from improving my Sudoku skills and taking far fewer photos than I had intended. Then again I had not intended to do much before Christmas anyway.

While my settlement was not bad at all I do need to find other work sooner rather than later. One thing I don't plan on doing is commuting to Central London unless I can help it and thee is no way I will flip burgers unless absolutely necessary.

At least I have some portable skills and a qualification which should be of some help in obtaining finance work, preferably locally, but perhaps it is time to turn a self-taught skill into a source of income,

A number of people have suggested that I use my cameras to make money. I had always considered this a pocket money option at best but a recent conversation with an old friend has highlighted at least one niche market where it may be possible to make a reasonable living (nothing illegal an not porn).

I need to improve some skills before I even think of trying to hawk my services but in a couple of months time, maybe?


  1. Anonymous3:37 pm

    Good luck with that. Think it through because I went professional but diffused my options by aiming for AV also.I should have stuck with writing with the photography as an adjunct.

  2. While my settlement was not bad at all I do need to find other work sooner rather than later.

    Not quite the time of year, Jams.

  3. You commute(d) to London?... Why did I think you came from the Outer Hebrides? O yeah because you're Irish and I'm stupid. Ho-hummmm...

    Best of luck with the job. My advice: get one you can do from home in pyjamas. Bestselling novelist is always a good one to do. There are surely other jobs you can do from home. Isn't that what those idiot futurologists always predicted? We'd work from home, then hover down to some amazing 3D 300ft cinema on a green pod...???

  4. Fear not Aileni I am not going to rush into things. I have no plans to diversify into other media.

    Ah James I have no intention to work until the new tax yearI don't want to pay 40% tax on a low paid job before then

    Thanks Gledwood. If things go to plan I will be taking the hovercar to the 4D cineplex!

  5. I have a friend who's trying to do the same thing. Photography is a hard field to break into.Wishing you luck in whatever you do.

  6. I know it's not an easy option. There may e a couple of unexploited markets out there which could provide some income

  7. I think your skills are quite adequate enough already. I should just try to break into that field now whilst honing your skills.

    Just my honest opinion.

  8. Thanks Cherie. I am not used to studio work or model direction, I really do need to practice these skills. Thanks for your positive views

  9. Why not porn? You always have the cats available, all without dresses ;-)

    Anyhow, good luck in whatever venue you choose.
