
11 March 2011

Blogger fatigue

The Poor Mouth is not far off five years old. By that time it will contain over 4,000 posts with around 43,000 and over 1 million visits. Not too shabby if I say so myself...

Most of the time blogging is enjoyable but there are times when it is a chore. I am currently feeling the latter rather than the former.

I will continue until my fifth blogoversary on 2 April and then I will take a break of a few weeks. 

No photo hunts until then


  1. Take a break, come back, we'll be waitin'! :)

  2. My blog will be 5 years old in April, too!

  3. I could do with a blogging break knatolee. After the blogoversary seems to be a good time to take it, Knat

    Congratulations in advance LB!

  4. I know just what you mean, jams. I'm struggling with a post at the moment (as you know, my format is somewhat different to yours - based on entries of around 1500 words) which is proving as tough as the sole of an old wellington. I decided yesterday to just leave it alone for a few days - let it stew in its own juice for a while in the hope that it gets more tender.

    I mean, it's not as if we get paid for it, is it? :-)

  5. I second the first comment.

  6. Awh bless, you: yes, definitely take a break! My blogging habits have been erratic to useless (befitting a rambling varied blog as mine). I'd be lost without somewhere to post my theatre and gig reviews, but the practices I have tried over the years on other things come and go, fade and ebb with varying degrees of successful survival!

    Personally I love the poems and pictures especially...

  7. There are times when it is hard to keep up the enthusiasm. After 5 years with only a few breaks I need a blogging holiday

    Thanks James. I am not going to stop for a few weeks but when I do it will be for at least a few weeks

    Thanks Lisa, There will be plenty more poetry and photos to come!

  8. I'm truly sorry to tell you that you CANNOT take a break. I need The Poor Mouth daily to survive the burden of old age. I'll be gone in a few years, and you can take a break at that moment. Thank you in advance for your next five years of daily blogging. Much gratitude from Canada.;-)

  9. You're not getting paid for this??? Are you sure? LOL

  10. What I put on Facebook: You'll come back refreshed and raring to go. Thanks for what you have done so far. Quite a feat!

  11. Ah Claude it will only be a relatively short break and then I will be back raring t go.

    After all who else lowers the tone of the internet like I do!

  12. Oh don't take a break. Ive been going 4 years and had half as many hits as you which means you're really popular. Why don't you do what I do and just post whatever boring shit you come up with on the day. People still read bc they know Im amazing!

    Come on man you're tired you don't need to take a break honestly. If you end up in hospital even then you don't need to stop blogging. You merely write out your posts on Value Writing Paper, give a trusted person your log-in and let them post 4u. That's what I do...!

  13. Anonymous8:02 pm

    Blogging when you (ie one) feels like it is the best idea, I'd say, rather than feeling the need to keep up some sort of a schedule. I only vist 5 blogs regularly these days and yours is, of course, one of them. Of the ones I visit, I do so for different reasons, but each one has something that keeps pulling me back. While you rest I'll miss the typos, and the cats, the spooky collection of (so often misinterpreted) Billy Connolly simulacra and the stunning photography (amongst other things).

  14. Blogging has been a chore for a little while Gled, I think a short break next month for a few weeks, a revamped layout and some fresh drivel will be welcome!

    Thanks H, I will ensure that there will be extra typos!

  15. I know just how you feel Jams. I know what I could write about but somehow ..... And I am not as prolific as you and only 4 yrs old.

    Take care.

  16. Anonymous10:53 pm

    "And I am not as prolific as you and only 4 yrs old"

    jmb writes very well for someone who is only 4 years old.

  17. Anonymous11:17 pm

    take care. drop by for a cup of tea anytime :)

  18. Amazing! But don't be gone too long!

  19. I just realized I started blogging 5 1/2 years ago...I know the feeling. I am down to two posts a week for the time being...
    Enjoy your break.

  20. When blogging feels like a chore, it's definitely a good idea to take a break. Besides, Jams, you deserve a rest! But I always enjoy my visits here and I'll look forward to your return.

  21. Thanks everyone. I won't be away for too long but it will be a few weeks before my break

  22. Enjoy you your blogging break and rest. I look forward to your return when you are refreshed :-)
