
26 May 2011

Mass Murderer Ratko Mladic Arrested At Last

After 16 years on the run, hidden by friends, family and others Ratko Mladic, the piece of human excrement that is directly responsible for the Srebrenica Massacre, has finally been arrested.

His capture was anoounced a few hours ago by Serbian president Botis Tadic.

This is good news indeed but now the scumbag has to pay. It is my earnest hope that Mladic remains in at least adequate mental and physical health for the foreseeable future so that he can trial in the Hague, be found guilty and then sentenced to spend the rest of his worthless life in jail. Personally I hope he lives to be a supercentenarian

Perhaps his sentence should be passed in solitary confinement with the above photographs stuck to his wall so that he can be reminded for ever of those 8,000 lives he took in a Bosnian town in June 1995.


  1. What fantastic news to end what has for me been a really shitty day!!

  2. It really is good news. I shall refrain from commenting on the time taken to collar him though

  3. So, an old man has been arrested merely for helping to defend his country from foreign aggression in a war that began 1300 years ago - all because the current regime in Serbia now wants to join the EU.

  4. Lee utter where in defending one's country is one permitted to murder over 8,000 people in cold blood as happened in Srebrenica?

    I am not foolish to believe that the Serbs were the only ones to commit atrocities during the collapse of Yugoslavia and yes I know that the Balkans have been a hotbed of conflict but it condones not a jot of his war crimes

  5. That picture of all those people is so powerful. Not just numbers of dead, but people. It brought tears to my eyes.

  6. I really hope that he has to live with those faces for the rest of his life SE.

  7. Thats' good, true. Would it change, though, the cries of Russian supporters of Serbs that will forever claim their innocence?

    Sorry to be a spoilsport. Just yesterday read a Russian article on the subject.

  8. Clinton’s Big Lie: “Srebrenica Massacre”:The representation of the Bosnian war as a campaign of genocide rapidly gained ground after the Guardian showed pictures of two Serbian detention camps, Trnopolje and Omarska.Izetbegovic admitted it to former UNMIK head Bernard Kouchner on his death bed in 2003. He told Bernard Kouchner that he lied about Trnopolje and Omarska being “death camps” in the hope of provoking NATO bombing against the Bosnian Serbs. This monstrous media hoax was used in order to demonize the Serbs as the “new Nazis”of Europe, to trivialize the horrors of the Holocaust, to turn the world – and especially Jewish people – against the Serbs, and to enable the US camp; NATO/EU Imperialist governments to further dismember Yugoslavia into a series of politically weak NATO/EU-run protectorates. One of the most stubborn factoids of our time is the myth that the massacre at Srebrenica in 1995 during the Bosnian civil war was solely about the killing of innocent Muslims by vicious racist genocidal Serbs. It is a relic of the coordinated media message put out at the time, which demonized the Serbs as cruel oppressors and ignored any atrocities of equal or greater magnitude by other parties to the conflict. Phillip Corwin, former UN Civilian Affairs Coordinator in Bosnia during the 1990s, said: “What happened in Srebrenica was not a single large massacre of Muslims by Serbs, but rather a series of very bloody attacks and counterattacks over a three year period which reached a crescendo in July of 1995.”

  9. The list of 7,000-8,000 Bosnian Muslims contains the names of the individuals who have been reported missing — it is not the list of the victims of a crime, those who have allegedly lost their lives during Srebrenica takeover.
    There is a world of difference, victims of the war crime are men who have been captured and executed without trial, while the victims of war are individuals who were killed during the battles, like Bosnian Muslim troops from Srebrenica column, which suffered heavy casualties after being engaged in battle with the Bosnian Serb Army.
    1}Internationally respected military forensic specialist Dr Zoran Stankovic, who reviewed the findings of the six experts employed by the Tribunal wrote that the effort lacked standard procedures, several of experts also lacked familiarity with wounds inflicted by military ordinance and some parts of the reports are “contrary to the generally acceptable forensic standards”. According to Dr Stankovic, many of the bodies exhumed from 17 gravesites were found in an advance state of decay “skeletonized, disarticulated and decomposed” lacking soft tissue and body parts that could help determine the cause of death. “Ascertainment of the cause of death in the cases of decomposed bodies is generally extremely difficult and in most case impossible…It is not allowed that [ICTY] experts provide their opinion in that regard and put forward the assumption having no grounds in autopsy findings.”Between 200 and 300 blindfolds and ligatures were exhumed with bodies by the ICTY, and as Dr. Stankovic notes, these are sure signs of execution.

  10. Philippe Morillon:
    The fall of Srebrenica in 1995 was the "direct reaction" to the massacres of Bosnian Serbs by Naser Oric's forces in 1992-1993. Morillon acknowledged that Oric's troops had committed war crimes in eastern Bosnia. Morillon personally witnessed the exhumation of the bodies of Bosnian Serb civilians and soldiers who had been tortured, mutilated, and executed. He saw with his own eyes the Serbian villages that had been burned to the ground in the Srebrenica pocket. More than anyone else, Morillon understood the level of devastation in eastern Bosnia and the extent and nature of the massacres of Bosnian Serbs. POLITICAL BACKGROUND—Two prominent supporters (at the time) of the late Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic, his Srebrenica SDA party chairman Ibran Mustafic and police commander Hakija Meholjic, have subsequently accused Izetbegovic of deliberately sacrificing the enclave in order to trigger NATO intervention. Meholjic is explicit: in his presence, Izetbegovic quoted Bill Clinton as saying that 5,000 dead Muslims would be sufficient to provide the political basis for an American-led intervention on the side of the Muslims.In 1993, when the Clinton Administration was strongly backing the Muslim President of Bosnia, Alija Izetbegovic, Osama Bin Ladin was regular visitor to his office, according to Renate Flottau of the German weekly, Der Spiegel. The Bosnian daily, Dani, reported that the Vienna Embassy of BiH issued a passport to Bin Ladin in 1993. The Joseph Goebbels Nazi style “Big Lie”was spread world-wide with the mainstream media-connected resources of a multi-million dollar funded American “public relations”& lobbying firm called ‘Ruder Finn’ – whom also worked as a lobbying group in Washington on behalf of the Islamist Nazi terrorist KLA and Tudjman’s HDZ Fascist neo-Ustasha Nazi racist government responsible for the ethnic cleansing of over 550,000 Krajina province Serbs from 1990 to 1995 and for the murder of at least 20,000 Serbs during the same period.
