
30 November 2011

Antisocial? Just not well

Not been feeling very well of late. Still feel unwell so blogging will be light for a while. Sorry if I don't visit much either

Here is a bit of French HM from 1980 Trust playing Antisocial


  1. Treat yourself kindly, Jams. Good thoughts are with you.

  2. I'm glad to know your wife didn't lock you out of your study or the British Telecom hasn't cut off service. I do hope you're recovery is both swift and complete.

  3. It is very good of you to let us know what's going on with you. When regular readers stop commenting on my blog, I always wonder if things are okay with them and unless they are a close friend, I feel intrusive asking if everything is okay.

    Feel better soon, Jams!

  4. I hope you feel much better soon, Jams.

  5. Andrew10:40 pm

    Thanks for the reassurance. I thought Ted and/or Devil Cat might have turned on you.

  6. Thanks for your kind thoughts!

  7. As is mostly usual, I can't view the video.
    But... I have a problem with the word 'antisocial'.
    Unless you're feeling like prepetrating random acts od destruction (Oh. Perhaps you are!) I prefer 'unsociable'. That way you don't sound like a menace to society but like someone seeking quietude. End of rant. :)

    WAS it Ted?

  8. Anonymous10:49 am

    Be well soon Jams xx

  9. Hope you feel much better very soon. I'm glad Ted didn't get you.

  10. Get well soon, you antisocial element. Well, at least not an enemy of the people yet ;-)

  11. Thanks everyone... Just random acts of feeling shite Syncy!

  12. I hope you feel much unshiter soon, Jams. As Sean said, treat yourself kindly. And thank you for introducing me to another obscure rock band!

  13. You're welcome Stan. It's a great song eh? In the meantime I will take it easy

  14. I wondered where you were, I thought you might have been on one of your breaks away.

    I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling very well. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon.
