
25 August 2012

Meanwhile someone at NBC can't find their arse with both hands


  1. It's frightening when the alleged mainstream media can't get a headline right. This afternoon Google's news headlines included something along the lines of "Investigation continues of Afghanistan Korean burning". After doing a double take I realized there was an errant 'e' in the piece. Gadzooks! This is awful.

  2. It's frightening when the alleged mainstream media can't get a headline right. This afternoon Google's news headlines included something along the lines of "Investigation continues of Afghanistan Korean burning". After doing a double take I realized there was an errant 'e' in the piece. Gadzooks! This is awful.

  3. If it were Korean burning, it would be worse than the Koran, much as I hate book burning.

    Okay typos happen. Some are just funny as in the case of Neil Young!
