
03 August 2012

Team GB - the Number of the Beast (briefly)

It amused me to see that for a short time between the end of today's rowing finals and Karina Bryant getting a bronze in the women's heavyweight judo Britain's standings were 6 Golds 6 Silvers and 6 Bronzes.

Well I hve a puerile sense of humour....


  1. Anonymous7:05 pm

    I noticed that too. And there are bloggers I have come across who could make a big deal, several long articles and a violent argument out of that little moment in time, including of course the long exploration of why the actual number of significance is not 666 but something else, due to mistranslation of the Heb.... (Yawn... :) Let's hope we get some more gold soon as some small reward for the taxpayers' millions lavished on the quest.

  2. If I had seen it, it would have made me smile too.

  3. Here;s hoping. Two great golds on the velodrome. Now that;s a sport I wish was on telly more frequently

    Ah glad I'm not alone Cherie!

  4. Why should British sports(wo)men not also find a devilishly good yoghurt in their fridge when they need one?

  5. Just so long it is yoghurt.

  6. 666 - must be under the diabolical influence of that London mayor of yours.

    I say you should take him to a barber shop...

  7. But his hair is the source of his ability to talk bollocks!
