
20 December 2012

If the world ends tomorrow blame Gangam Style

Ach only 12 hours until the Aocalyse. Clearly I blame Psy and that stupid Gangam Style song (I only actually saw the damned video yesterday eiee it or not).

It is clear that his stupid little pdance roves that Psy is the fifth horseman of the apocalypse who will be out raining down their own brand of yuletide cheer on the world tomorrow. Along with the traditional death, war, famine and plague we will be facing a hideous demise by K-pop too...

Gah I'm crap at this apocalyptic shite!


  1. And the time of the Solstice?

    11.11 GMT

    Ohhh... The eleventh minute after the eleventh hour...

    I think I should go out on the town and max out the credit card on wine, women and song... but knowing my luck the world won't end. I'll sit down and have a cup of tea instead.

  2. Probably best not or the Fair Dulcinea will have a new if wrinkly and hairy coin purse
