
10 December 2012

On meeting Satan Cat in the street

Something very odd happened today. I was walking back from a short errand when a black/brown very shaggy cat came up to me and started rubbing around my legs. I looked down and thought "It can't be!" but it was.....

BEELZEBOB the Satan Cat.

Overcoming my nerves I put my hand down and he sent  fair bit o time rubing his head on it then accepting several strokes. He was purring like a motor too

And then he sauntered off quite content.....

Given what he did the ast time I got near his claws and fangs  this was a most unusual encounter.


  1. Now that is very strange Shaun, and very intriguing. Maybe the ancient Egyptians were right about cats. I look forward to the photo of Beelzebub looking like a friendly wee pussy cat. Maybe he knows all about Ted and decided you needed some catty comforting. Or... maybe he overheard you swearing at Izzy's owner and thought, "Oh... Mr Shaun is maybe OK after all." I await further news with great interest

  2. Your wish is my comand.These are a couple of shitty pics I too with my phone

    It was most strange to be greeted by Bobby.Let's see what he's like next time I see him

  3. He knew :-)

    Cats, dogs and other animals are more in tune than us humans.

  4. Now thats true. Perhaps he is only a made mental malky bringer when dealing with territorial disputes

  5. When opening the comment-box, I had exactly Andrew's first five words in mind. Very strange, indded.

  6. It was certainly a strange encounter Sean!

  7. Thanks for the pics Shaun (but I am glad my phone camera is better than yours). Next photo: Bobby the exorcised demon snuggled up on your lap?

  8. Maybe the late Ted had Satan cat on the payroll. He was plotting to get rid of Robyn and Boris. Boris was plotting with Izzy and Robyn was oblivious.

    Satan Cat is plotting to take Ted's kingdom in front of the TV. My guess is Bebe has taken that spot

  9. It's not a very good camera sadly.Hence I will not be trading in my Nikon DSLR!

    I wonder what will happen next time I see him!

    If truth ere told Ted used to run a mile from Bobby and with good cause!

    Bebe is probably delighted Ted is gone He treated her terribly

    As for Boris and Izzy that's a sore point at present.

  10. I agree with Cherie. He knew about Ted. Animals are very perceptive. But, maybe it was just ONE gentle moment. Don't trust your fingers too much...You don't want to lose them!

  11. Jams

    Who grabbed the territory under the TV.

  12. Perhaps it was a one off Claude. I won't push my luck!

    Nobody as yet Beak.

  13. Bravo Shaun. I wouldn't like to mess with that character.

  14. Believe me he is fearsome but this time he was friendly and that was a strange situation!
