
08 June 2006

Copperhead Road

I love this song but this is being posted to test if Blogger is up and working. Meanwhile, enjoy!


  1. Jams, This is completely off subject, but I wondered if you know anything about a U.K group, The Delays? They're my new obsession, and unfortunately their new CD is import only so I can't pick it up for a cheap price. I'm enamored of Nick Heyward too ,and find his old stuff difficult to obtain. Also, my girls love British Invasion knockoffs, Hot, Hot Heat. England's churning out a lot of quality product. I'm going to have to give Hawkwind a listen now that you've glorified them so much!

  2. No worries.. I am not familiar with the delays myslef (I am a music dinosaur happy with what I liked in the late 70s/early 80s!) I can suggest one outlet I have done business with, an american online retailer called Caiman Online. I have bought stuff from them and have found them utterly reliable and good value for unusual or obscure stuff. has sellers that have delays albums for a good price and some should ship to teh US. The same goes for Nick Heyward. Hawkwind are an acquired taste and vary from Heavy rock to trance. I love them and have fone for over 25 years!
