
03 June 2006

Iranian Art - Minoo Emami

From Minoo's war gallery

A week or so ago I wrote about Elahe Heidari and the impact her work has had on me. Minoo Emami's work has very much the same effect.

Like Elahe, Minoo lives and works in Tehran. She is a highly regarded artist who has exhibited extensively both in Iran and abroad. Again I can thank Redwine for drawing my attention to her work.

In particular I was (and still am) blown away by her war galleries which were inspired by the personal consequences of the Iran-Iraq war, an eight year long conflict started by Saddam which cost over one million lives. For me the images of false limbs and combat fatigues are in their own way as damning an indictment of war as the poetry of Wilfred Owen.

Once again Minoo reminds us of that we should not just dwell on what is produced by American or European artists. There is an enormous wealth of talent elsewhere in the world.

Click here to access Minoo's website


  1. Jams, great post.

    I found the above piece quite contemporary and live. Having enjoyed your earlier post on the subject, I also had the pleasure of visiting the gallery, which is filled with breathtaking works of art. I will visit often.

    Thanks for drawing further attention to her.

  2. I know I find it very easy to concentrate on western art and culture and forget there is a world out there that is bristling with artistic talent.

    Minoo and Elahe's work remind me not to be so inward looking
