
22 July 2006

Garden 22 July

Bumble Bee finding slim pickings from Echinops flowers

Cardoon head (Cynara cardunculus)

Zantadeschia flower


  1. Your fertility is stunning, jams!

    Your garden is a thing of envy. My favorite picture is of the Zantadeschia. We just got hit with a torrential thunderstorm, and lightened the humidity considerably allowing me to get some quality gardening time in without dying of heat stroke. I planted a new Cape Honeysuckle and a bright pink Bougainvillea. I'm hoping to have a cute little side garden by next year to place a bench and some stepping stones in the middle and maybe an arbor.

  2. Ah it is the not wife with the green fingers.. Luckily we inherited a garden with much of the framework in place. I added a lot of the older perennials but she grows plants from seeds...We do make a pretty small garden work hard though

    Honeysuckles are great but our one just won't flower damnit. A bougainvillea wouldnt last here.. while our climate is mild it is too cold for a plant like that.. Ah well we cant have anything.. Your side garden sounds great.. I look forward to seeeing the pics
