
26 July 2006

Golden Rain Tree

Koelreuteria paniculata in bloom July 2006


  1. I shall be rather hesitant to stand under anything named "Golden Rain". Golden rains sometimes lead to golden showers.

    Nice snapshot, jams!

  2. Can I just say that I should be awarded a special prize every time I'm the first responder here?

    Maybe a Hawkwind CD or an "I LOVE Leftists" T-shirt, is in order.

  3. Ah you dont want to worry about that sort of rain. atlthough it sheds its petals like rain which ius quite nice.

    Hmm I think it will be the T Shirt but with "but I cant eat a whole one" added to the slogan!

  4. Nope, jams, that T-shirt won't work for me as I've solemnly sworn off RED MEAT!

    You know I'm just kidding, but some of your leftist compatriots really do embrace Communist ideals.

    Can I just thank you for providing a welcome diversion today? It's been raining, so I delayed going to work until this evening. Then, I was asked to write an opening dialogue and skit to kick off our Southeast Texas Homeschool Conference. I've never written anything on a deadline duress before, and I'm worried that inspiration won't strike in time. I have to have it prepared by August 4. Whenever, I'm stressed, I procrastinate, and your blog is where I'm spending a LOT of stalling/thinking time. THANKS! If you can contribute to the theme of, "The Joys Of Homeschooling", let me know. I'm keeping most of it as humorous as possible given the rather staid topic line.

  5. That they do. The Maoists are the worst for their strict adherence to the tenets of of Marxism-Leninism.

    Hpmeschooling? Hmmm what can I think of? Err.. Now you put me on the spot I can't think of much! But one question, do you have truant officers scouring the high and elementary schools for kids that have bunked off homeschooling????

  6. I've cobbled some ideas together today, jams. Texas is extremely lenient in their standards about homeschooling curriculum, qualifications, etc. This is a double edged sword because we've seen some homeschooled kids who are destined for a bright future as a mutton chop sideburned, tank top wearing, beer swilling, honky tonk bar manager. Well, somebody's gotta do that job, I suppose, and imported illegal aliens probably wouldn't match up well with the stringent honky tonk bar manager criterium.

  7. I suppose there have to be drawers of water and honkers of tonk! I dont know what criteria apply to home schooling here. I know it has become more popular but it is still a very small minority of kids that are taught at home

  8. Well, as Texas dictates, it's perfectly acceptable that I'm completely entrusted with the education of six little monsters. Lord, help us all. Often times, I blog while they read to me out loud from their primers. They supplement their math skills going grocery shopping with me and tallying coupon and sale prices and figuring tax. They cook with me, thus learning fractions and units of measurement. They garden with me and pick up tidbit knowledge of geology, entomology, botany, and weather. They go to work with me and learn about work ethics and accountability.

    I'm hoping that they'll succeed and won't count on mooching off of us as a life plan.

  9. simple beauty on a summer day. thanks.

  10. lol elasticwaistbandlady. I wish you all the success in the venture. It is a big commitment. Do you pool resources with other home schoolers? eg if a home schooler has a background in science etc?

    Betmo I am glad you enjoued, I am grateful to teh previous owner for planitg such a great speciment. I will photograph it a gain as the flowers have gon and there are papery seed pods.

  11. I love the Golden Rain tree and its chages as the seasons go, the same as the tree outside your flat. Enjoy it. it will be here after you are gone. THat is something I do like about trees.. they have a lifespan far greater than we have

  12. Perhaps the location makes it even more appreciated. I am quie lucky yhat I can see across the back gardens of neighbouring houses and see the range of trees that were planted in what are relatively small gardens. The cable company ruined a load of trees when puttting down cable access in the early 90s so few trees out the front, but I like the fact that previous residents of this row of victorian two up two downs left a legacy to the future in the form a an attractive vista out the back!
