
17 August 2006

I could not resist posting this

I found this on Paul Burgin's Mars Hill blog who found this on Sned's blog, who found this.... and so on.


  1. A bit of grim humour but sadly too many believe pretty much that sort of thing

  2. Not many things induce "shock and awe" slack jaw on me. This poster did.

    This won't sit well with certain people floating around the blogosphere that want America to be the catch all, blame all, scapegoat for all the World's strife. My favorite is a certain individual who refuted the fact that per capita, Americans are responsible for more charitable contributions than anybody else in the entire World. Her response, "They have to keep up a front to cover their evil actions". *sigh*

    There's just no pleasing some people.

  3. As a spoof it hits the mark, eh elasticwaistbandlady?

    Oh dear me,.. what twists and turns and logic you have to do to get to that sort of conclusion! Hmm "let's oppress dem forriners by providing tangible help".

    I know when it comes to Governmental aid, neither the US or the UK are the best donors in terms of percentage of gdp, but neither are they the worst. Top and bottom come Holland and Japan if my memory serves me well

  4. Excellent, this one, Jams.

    Electricwaistband,"Americans are responsible for more charitable contributions". Responsible??? Heh.
    Nothing like net humor, or urban humor, to that.

  5. Yes. Responsible. I'm not talking about foreign aid packages, I'm referring to monies derived straight from the pocket of hard working Americans trying to help out others. We personally budget 10 percent of our income every month for such causes because on average most people here believe in the adage, "To whom much is given, much is expected".

    That is, at least in the conservative states. The East Coast has a less than stellar donation record when comparing income level to charitable giving.

    Just look at how much aid was sent to the tsunami ravaged areas from private American donors and American groups not affiliated with the government. It's hardly a deceptive ruse to distract from all our "evil tendencies".

  6. Bullseye! That 'ad' is right on target.

  7. Red, Sonia it certainly sums sup the shit that too many of my "comrades" spout

  8. ewbl,

    I say good for you, and good for the ordinary americans who do the same. your dollars and what we donate ourselve may not be big in themselves but when you add them and add them there is a lot which I hope does at least help make a difference for some who need it.

  9. Although mullet, it is the hard work of ordinary people championing a cause that can keep it in the public eye. I'm not just talking about the big ticket items like Darfur here.
