
09 September 2006

Garden 9 September

Chocolate Cosmos

Fucshia magellanica

Morning Glory

The garden starts to decline somewhat from late July onwards as the "big ticket" items like the Cephalaria and the Echinops bloom and fade but there is still a lot of flowers in bloomespecially nearest the house where we have a number of containers. Some perennials, like the Fuchsias will soldier on in bloom until we get the first frosts so we will still have a few flowers well into October.


  1. One should never be without flowers

  2. If only that were possible but winter puts paid to that. Still there is something in bloom from the earliest bulbs courtesy of the snowdrops and the crocuses right up to the frosts. A few years back there was still a solitary Gazania in bloom on Christmas Day but that was a freak happening.

  3. Thanks for the flower shots (although it reminds me that I should have done some weeding today instead of going to the football game.) I love the rich colors -- like having a bouquet right here.

  4. You're welcome Fraser. I am glad you like them. acually they were an excuse to try my new digital SLR. Finally saved the money to buy one!

  5. What's the story, morning glory? Sorry, that just sprung to mind even though I loathe all things Oasis.

    I like the chocolate cosmo flower the most. Too bad you don't have a Willy Wonka like botanical garden where everything is edible. The cosmo would be first on the menu!

  6. Me too, I loathe Oasis as well. The Cosmos rteally does have a nice cocoa like smell... utter bliss! Not sure it is edible though.. It is more of a posison garden a lot of what we grow is not healthy to life and limb.. the Yew for a start!
