
27 September 2006

Lakes on Titan

This picture can currently be found in the Science and Nature section of BBC news and plenty of other places too I would imagine. It was taken by the Cassini probe and shows two lakes on Saturn's moon Titan. Both are about 20-25km in size and almost certainly consist of liquid hydrocarbons rather than water.

Being someone who has been fascinated by space missions since the Moon landings this sort of picture makes me go "wow!"


  1. A lake on Saturn's moon? Excellent! Time to pack up the kids, prepare a picnic lunch, and haul the catamaran for a lakeside weekend excursion.

  2. It's pretty impressive, eh? Sadly it's not water, the atmospehere, what it is is unbreathable and the temperature is way. way below freezing but otherwise a great place to get away from it all!

  3. jams, I heard this guest host on Coast To Coast radio this morning who insists that there are other dimensions all around us. He says that there is likely ghosts and other beings habitating the planets and the moon that we just can't see. I thought that was an interesting idea to think about a plane that we're just not in tune enough with to physically see.
