
08 November 2006

Apparently I don’t exist

The USA has a site called How Many of Me which which can show how many people share any given name. There is a similar site for the UK called Yournotme

Needlss to say I needed to know how many Americans shared the name Jams O’Donnell and there absolutely none - no surprise there.
LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

Trying Yournotme and I get this:

“You don’t exist. Go and look in the mirror and you see someone then we’re wrong, else you're some kind of magic pixie, elf, carrot or vampire. Sorry.”

I wonder which of these I am... Personally I think it's a carrot!


  1. I think you're right mullets. He (or she) must have got the idea from the same place as se me.. as you will see in my next post.

  2. All this time, I considered myself one of a kind. A unique jewel glistening in the sun. No, turns out there are 76 others who think they are the only ones. :( I always knew that YOU were one of a kind though, jams!

    I'm going to try my maiden name in the search, because it's Dutch, and a lot more rare.

  3. SCORE! Apparently, my former unmarried self just vanished from the records. Someone let the debt collectors know this bit of good news, okay?

  4. Oh, and I can see you as more of a pixie type, jams. I bet you flit around in little wings and see through tulle skirts too, throwing pixie dust on all you see. Or was that cigarette ashes?

  5. It is nice to think of ourselves as having a unique name. noone in the UK or the US is called Jams O Donnell (for shame!). Put in my nom-de-real-life and I find there are 8 of us in the UK and 6 more in the US. Not a common combination by looks of it.... One of the americans is an artist and has his own webstite

    Cigarettte ashes? not for about 5 years now.. Ach I still think cigarettes float down from heaven on the wings of angles.. until I smell them that is!

  6. There are lots and lots of me... 137 in the U.S. who share both my names. No surprise there. Both names are common; I have to remind people occasionally that I'm not related to Norman. :)

    Expand to my fully qualified name (which I generally don't use online) and you'll find a Canadian fellow who is a PhD ichthyologist. He's published a lot. Whew! I should be so highfalutin'! (Actually, if it were high flutin' that were required, I used to do a fair amount of that...)

  7. Ah but poor Norman was so misundertood! My real name is not rare but not too common.. about 5000 of us, brigands and ne'erdowells the lot of us!
