
11 November 2006

Field of Remembrance Westminster Abbey

from the RAF Bomber Command section of the Field of Remembrance

Every year just before Remembrance Sunday, the grounds of Westminster Abbey are opened up to create a field of remembrance for servicemen and women who died in the two world wars and in post war conflicts, including Iraq. There is no celebration here, no glorification of war just a tribute to those who died.

I have no idea who John Bailey was except that he served in the Royal Munster Fusiliers and died in 1916. My grandfather also served in the Munsters - that he was taken prisoner right at the start of the bloody, brutal war almost certainly ensured his survival.

My father served in the RAF during WWII (as regular readers will know all too well!). Almost half of all bomber crews died. My father was fortunate to come through the WWII with only minor injuries.

British Legion


  1. Your grandfather, and father were both blessed, not fortunate. In turn, you were blessed too with your very existence! And the blog world is blessed with your presence too.

    I didn't know that our Veteran's Day here in the States, coincided with a similar event in the U.K. Interesting.

  2. Aww shucks, ewbl! The not wife wouls say that it is less of me being blessed but more of everyone else being cursed!

    Veterans/Remembrance/Armisitce Day is commemorated on 11 Novembre as that was when WWI ended

  3. I'm an idiot, jams! Of course, you're right, and I need to hit the history books and take a refresher course.

  4. thanks anonymous, I will.#

    Thge white poppy has been around since the 30s and are created by the Peace Pledge Union. I say waer red, wear white but remember the sacrifice.
