
22 November 2006

Iranian artist - Minoo Emami

I have posted about Minoo before but now my readership is a lot larger than it was five months ago I thought I would take the opportunity to put up another post about this superb artist.

Like Elahe Heidari (another outstanding Iranian artist), Minoo lives and works in Tehran. She is a highly regarded artist who has exhibited extensively both in Iran and abroad.

In particular I was (and still am) blown away by her war galleries which were inspired by her husband's experiences during the Iran-Iraq war, an eight year long conflict started by Saddam which cost over one million lives. For me the images of false limbs and combat fatigues are in their own way as damning an indictment of war as the poetry of Wilfred Owen.

Once again Minoo reminds us of that we should not just dwell on what is produced by American or European artists. There is an enormous wealth of talent elsewhere in the world. I am extremely grateful to Redwine for drawing my attention to her work.

Click here to access Minoo's website


  1. Really good work.

    I wonder what limits the Iranian artists face, under the mullah's?

  2. She is a superb artist Ren. SHe has been widely exhibitied, as has another beloved artist Elahe Heidari but who can predict the capriciousness of the Iranian government?
