
15 November 2006

Ofra Haza - Im Nin Alu (an early verssion)

An early version of Ofra Haza's biggest UK hit. This one is from 1979. Ofra Haza would have been 19 or 20 at the time.

Music for a chest infection..... and a pulled muscle from coughing far too much.

Hmm this is my 401st post


  1. Very sad she died of HIV I believe.

  2. Sadly it was an AIDS related illness by looks of it. A terrible loss to the world of music

  3. Such a gifted voice with great tonal range. A terrible loss indeed.

  4. Sad indeed, but at least she left a legacy.

    jams, I hope your cough and aches and pains are abating. Hang in there.

  5. A terrible loss but a great legacy. I would recommend finding Yemenite Songs (aka 50 gates of wisdom) a magnificent album. One of my all time favourite albums

  6. ach 1979 I was doing my O Levels that year...

  7. mullet was just born in 1979, and I was 5 that year.

    All of a sudden I feel like the spring chicken around here. Good that I can feel like that somewhere, because it certainly isn't in real life.

  8. The Poor Mouth is the fountain of eternal youth, ewbl!
