
08 December 2006

Lawnless in Lakewood – the Movie

Back in July I posted an item called Lawnless in Lakewood about the Foti family and the conversion of their front lawn into a vegetable patch - a move that was not totally welcomed by their neighbours. Treehugger TV has made a short film (see below) about the Edible Estates initiative. It is well worth watching.

Both the not-wife and I love the idea of doing similar to our front garden (if we could call it that) but it is tiny and covered in concrete (not by us, I should state) We could try some container-grown produce but what won’t be nicked would probably be pissed on by people en route home from the pub. Ah well we do have the back garden which is much bigger.

New York Times article about the Fotis

Edible Estates


  1. 1. I hate lawn, 2. I like flowers, 3. I hate spinach 4. if not having lawn is a criminal act and makes the news, than maybe not my mind is the problem, something else is. 5. lawn is better than concrete, how can you prove that it wasn't you, you concrete-worshipper?

  2. Hah I need not prove that I did not lay concrete at the front of our house! We have plans to do something with the front in due course but it wont be a lawn..

  3. Well, some people down the road have a couple orange trees which they chicken wire in when the fruit appears to keep people from snatching it. I would rather place edible stuff in the backyard. Unfortunately, my dog also would rather edible stuff be placed in the backyard too. :(
    I still like the idea, though.

    Hey, jams. My Australian Bottlebrush tree that I planted during the summer is blooming! I'll have to take some pictures. Fire ants set up a big mound around it and then you get two pieces of native Texas landscape in one photo!

  4. EWBL, the chicken wire is probably to keep birds from helping themselves before any human gets the fruit.

  5. I do like the idea but I must admit my interest in this story is augmented because I know she who is Mrs Foti.

    Steve I think you are right.. It probably does a lot to keep the birds away.

  6. Gardens are related to revolutionary self sufficiency, as done in Cuba, after the Soviet Union withdrew aid.

  7. Ah I thing you mean the Good Life, Bryan. It was very popular in the seventies and the stars did go on to other comedies such as Yes Minister and To the Manor Born

  8. Here it was Dig for Victory in WWII. It would not have fed eceryine but it gave people some extra food and gave a sense of some additional participation in the war effort.

  9. Yep, interesting, Jams. Did you hear about their project since?

  10. They are still going strong I think. I must ask them!
