
03 December 2006

Theremin Bra

A brief Audioartists video of Alice Molloy playing her home made Theremin bra. It is a pity it does not last longer.

Ah well, if we boys can have trouser flutes then why not?


I have been instructed by the not wife to change trouser flute to pocket piccolo, sighs


  1. Just showed Shazzy the theramin and he said maybe he'd get me one for Christmas (he's been wanting a theramin for years, so why not have an instrument we can both enjoy?).

  2. You have me wondering what kind of musical genius I can create with my stupid bra underwire and the little satiny flowers I always rip off them. I hate those and they make me look like I have a third nipple under a shirt.

    Sometimes I slap my own butt to the rhythm of a song. Maybe Miss Alice will let you and I be her backup band? Emphasis on the BACK part.

  3. LOL Elizabeth, it will be the gift that keeps on giving!

    Can you get Bioform bras? I hear tell that they are pretty good ewbl. Ah we can be the back(sid)ing group... IN the spirit of things I will happily add csmbals, but I promist mot to operate them with my arse cheeks!

  4. I've been silently running the words, "pocket piccolo" through my mind while working all night, and laughing- at your expense, of course.

  5. Glad to be of service ma'am!

  6. Anonymous8:42 am

    A couple of years ago I saw Bill Bailey playing a 'traditional' Theremin on stage.

    Maybe he'll now be tempted to get a Theremin cod-piece.

  7. A Theremin cod piece? Now I WOULD pay good money to see one of those!
